Surprise! (Part 2)

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I do not own H2O: Just Add Water or any of the characters.

Chapter 35: Surprise! (part 2)


[The two speed off from the marina and out into the open blue. They continue on for quite a while, until they are nowhere near land when Lewis suddenly orders Zane to stop the boat.]

Lewis: "Stop, stop." Zane listens to him and slows the boat down to a halt. "This is perfect."

"But you're in the middle of the ocean," Elliot said. "Yes, we are," Lewis said, chuckling quietly.

"Wouldn't someplace like Mako Island be better? It's a no-go zone, literally since no one hardly goes there," Harrison thought. "Yes. The whole point was for me to get him away from those areas," Lewis explained. "If he went to Mako, he could've found more evidence on them." The audience nods in understanding, finally understanding the whole point of his and the girls' plan.

Zane: turns the boat off and looks around. "Here? But this is nowhere near Mako, this is nowhere near, anything."

"It was near Mako when the boat sunk and I saw her tail, so it made more sense to me that we should've gone there," Zane said. "Yet you still listened to me," Lewis grinned smugly.

Lewis: "That's the point." Turns the 3D scanner on and looks at the map. "Solitary creature, it doesn't want to be found. Think-"

"You're right, she didn't want to be found," Max chuckled; Emma grinned, agreeing with him. She did not want to be caught, again.

Lewis: "When I think loch ness monster, this is isolated."

"Good point, but still sounds strange," Neil thought, but utterly relieved that Lewis was trying to help the girls. He didn't want to see his daughter getting hunted down, though he had a bad feeling about it with that scientist around. Emma did say they got into some trouble with her and were discovered.

"Did you just call me a loch ness monster?" Emma pouted, clearly offended. "I-in some ways you are. Not physically, I meant metaphorically. You don't want to be found, just like the legends itself," Lewis reasoned, but it didn't make Emma's scowl go away for being called such a hideous monster.

Zane: looks confused. "Right."

Lewis: "I'm, I'm telling you, there's monsters here." Nods and picks up the sonar, setting it up for their location.

"Not monsters, mermaids," Elliot corrected, making Emma smile.

"We weren't there anyway," Rikki told them. "Not yet at least," Cleo mumbled, a little embarrassed from her mishap with interfering with Lewis's mission. She didn't know about the plan, they never told her.

Zane: shakes his head, a little befuddled. "I don't know. I was way over at Mako."

"I should've listened to my gut," Zane sighed in defeat. "Yet you didn't," Rikki amused.

Lewis: cuts him off. "Hey. Who's the geek here?"

Zane: "You are."

Lewis: "You bet I am. And when it comes to, to monsters, the paranormal, or anything technological, who are you going to trust?"

"Well on the bright side you at least did call yourself a geek," Rikki grinned. "I never said I wasn't," Lewis told her. "But you admitted it."

"But that's not even in your field of study, or hobbies," Cleo said, tilting her head. "Probably not, but he is the only nerd I could get to agree to it," Zane replied. "Thanks... hey!"

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