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It was a quiet day in the headquarters. Very odd of this to be occuring. The clock is ticking softly in the background.

The doors got pushed opened. L, whom is on the computer in front of him at his desk – he turned his head to look at who has entered the building.

"Light." L says as he turned away and continued to type. "Been awhile since I've seen you step inside here."

"Ah, well I've been busy studying in my college classes. You know I have to stay on top of my grades." Light responded as he walked over and sat in the chair next to L.

"Right..." L trailed off as he brushed his thumb against his lips on concentration.

"i suppose I should catch you up then. Kira has been suddenly quiet as of recent. No killings have occured. Unsure why, and unsure about what he is currently planning. But previously I've noticed that he is following a schedule."

"A schedule?" Light questioned as he tilted his head. "–Yes, son." Soichiro Yagami (Light's father) spoke up as he went over.

"He has been only killing on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays." L stated as he popped up the dates he tracked on his computer.

"Huh..? That's so odd, why would he?" Light questioned as he squinted his eyes. Looking towards L's screen.

L picked up a strawberry and dipped it into his chocolate dish that was beside him. Then popped the strawberry in his mouth. "Dunno. He's playing with us. Almost like.. wait."

Some typing happened and then a screen popped up. "this is the same schedule that your college is doing." L squinted his eyes as he picked up another strawberry and popped it into his mouth and swallowed.

"So are you saying he's still a student?" Light asks, a bead of sweat crept up onto his forehead.

"Yes. As if you are Kira." L remarked. Light scoffed. "What?! How many times have i told you, Ryuzaki?! I'm not Kira!"

"Ryuzaki! Please stop accusing my son of being a murderer!" Soichiro scolded over Light.

L hummed as he shakes his head. "Hmmm... Still doesn't make any sense about that."

"Let's think about this for a moment. If he is following the schedule of the college, perhaps he is a student. As this student, he is trying to pursue as a innocent person. Or, he is planning on killing..students?" Light stammers a bit at the end, his brain internally panicked as his throat went dry.

"No... No, no. That shouldn't be right. Kira only kills criminals with the name and face of the person. Your suspicions of being Kira have increased by 3% percent." L replied.

Light raised his voice. "Will you stop that?! I'm saying like, like– what if Kira is playing the role as a student in order to get to the criminals that are attending the schools? Like– the ones that haven't been caught and are being quiet about it?"

L hummed amused with this response. He tapped his chin as he turned back at his computer. "That's a great observation. And if that's the case, Kira is someone inside of that college. There are approximately 2,000 students attending. This will be tougher now. But I still suspect you as Kira, Light."

Light decided to quiet himself this time. He typed for a moment on the computer before popping a screen up. "Hey check this out."

L looked over. Gnawing on a strawberry covered in chocolate drizzle as he does so. "mm? What is it?"

"Apparently there was a lockdown today at my school. Today is Wednesday." Light acknowledged towards the other investigator.

"Here's a news article..."Light leaned forward. Squinting as he scrolled a bit down with his mouse.

"It states that some of the students have died from.. heart attacks?" Light widened his eyes.

Thinking to himself, 'What the hell? Is Misa behind this? If that's the case, why the hell would she be killing peers?! Especially innocent lives that did nothing wrong?! She's trying to get my attention again, isn't she.. well, it worked.'

"And there was a criminal there. He shot up the school and then fled after damaging each of the class rooms. I guess I got lucky I didn't attend today." Light says.

"So Kira was killing innocent lives? But how... Unless it was the second Kira. It has to be the second Kira, hm. Since you are the first Kira."


"No, no. Let me finish. Let's say, you're not Kira.." L finished the last strawberry in the bowl he was eating from then continued to speak.

"–This has to be the doing of the second Kira. Because the first Kira only kills criminals. So why didn't the first Kira kill the criminal..? That is unsure. So perhaps the second Kira is attending the school and the first Kira is still wandering around Japan?"

Light hummed. "That makes more sense," he paused as he shuts his laptop off. "We should take a break Ryuzaki."

"You go on ahead." L responded as he is typing on his computer. Light gets up. "Don't you ever rest?"

"No, don't need too." L replied to the question.

"Loving Kira." - LawlightWhere stories live. Discover now