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L fell silent. Light kept his head down in shame as he begins to cry now. His mood swings are going everywhere.

"I'm just a stupid, stupid, child... L ... I just wanted to fix this world... To get rid of all the evil and dread... The crime, the chaos.. I thought the book..  was fake, was a sick joke! But no.. no, I lost control! I became obsessed with it just because I wanted to fix this world! I wanted to make it better! So that way everyone was happy and at peace.." Light cried out these words. His voice is shaking, his body is trembling.

"Kira, you didn't save the world. You became the person that you hated. You became the murderer. You became the homicide. You became the killer." L firmly says as he used his hand and lifted Light's chin.

"I just wanted to make the world better... ! I just wanted everyone to be happy." Light's voice became fragile and shaky.

L felt his heart sank at those words. He was trying to be the firm investigator he always is, but his heart.. his feelings. They are winning. They are consuming L's heart, mind and soul.

"Light." L says softly. Light's whimpers and cries have silenced down. His breathing is trying to calm itself but to no success.

"You can't make everyone happy. That isn't how the world works. You can't make a new world, on a world that has already been created and formed together on humanity and how humanity works. You are not a god, you're just a human." L says gently as he cupped Light's cheeks.

"You have possessed a power that was not meant for you. You became power-hungry and used it. You became obsessed with it. You thought you doing what was right, but in fact it was the opposite."

"Criminals deserve a place to go and be punished, that is prison. You are a criminal. Should you be punished the same way?" L asked out-loud.

Light began panicking again. "NO! L! You can't do this to me! I–i– was just–..." He broke down again, sobs escaping out of his trembling lips.

L brought Light into a embrace. Making the brunet freeze in place. His eyes wide. Helpless tears continued to roll down his face.

Tucking his face into Light's neck, some tears dampened the killer's skin. L was crying too. He felt betrayed. He felt stabbed in the back by a bunch of knives. His heart felt like an apple being crushed by a fist.

"I can't arrest you." L says, shamefully. "I can't even give you the death penalty."

"You're so cruel. You have done so much that no human has ever done before. Yet..... I just want to hold you. To hold you close and never let you go."

L says as he closed his eyes. Holding onto Light with tears streaming down his face like waterfalls .

Light clenched his jaw as he began to sob softly. "Uncuff me..." He whispered out.

"What..?" L opened his eyes. Glancing towards the cuffs. His heart sank. Seeing how deep the cuffs have cut into Light's skin. Crimson blood is leaking down the killer's forearms.

"Will you promise not to run away? Can I still even trust you...?" L whispered as he slowly looked up at Light.

Their eyes connected. The rain is softly drizzling outside. Hitting the glass panes again. The daylight is peaking a bit. Exposing the sky being a dark, almost blackened blue.

"Yes, you can trust me."

Light whispered painfully.

"Loving Kira." - LawlightWhere stories live. Discover now