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Light felt the beads of sweat form on his forehead. He felt his lungs tighten as he just stared at L now.

L's lips curled upwards into a smile. "What's wrong, Light? Can't talk? I'm always a step ahead of you. Justice will prevail."

Light cleared his throat. "I can talk." He bitterly responded.  "Now, – uhhm.. it's getting quite late, isn't it? I have to study a little bit." He says.

L looked at the clock. "Oh, I suppose it is quite late. 11 o'clock already? How does time go so fast when im alongside with you? Is it because I'm enjoying myself or something? Who knows." The black-haired male bit his bottom lip in thought.

"Whatever.. c'mon Ryuzaki. Grab your snacks and let's go to my bedroom." Light grumbled as he turned around. Looking towards the window. Seeing the rain still spewing out from the blackened clouds.

"As you wish." L responded. Grabbing the package of Oreos and box of animal crackers. Then proceeded to follow Light upstairs to his bedroom.

They reached up in Lights room. Walking inside, L takes a look around the atmosphere.

"Looks quite comfy in here, Light." L says as he sits on the bed. Tucking his knees up and sticking his thumb up to his lips. Staring at Light with those same darkened eyes.

Ryuk is standing in the corner of the room. Cackling and laughing as he stared at L. "Interesting... Light got L into this house..? Very, interesting... Probably took him awhile of convincing......"

Light is currently sitting at his desk. Using his computer as he is bored-ly typing on it.

"I suppose it's comfy. Just gets a bit lonely, but that's alright. I'm use to being on my own, anyway. I like being a loner." Light responded.

"Oh, how that's inconvenient. I guess I'll have to come over more often. Actually, I will. Because with these cuffs, you aren't going anywhere without me beside you. Right on your side. I will always be here. You can't get rid of me, Light." L says as he munches on a Oreo.

Light rolled his eyes but L didn't notice. He felt so internally angry. It was getting harder to suppress it inside of himself.

'GOD DAMNIT! I need some privacy in my own fucking house! I have to write Misa's name! I have too! NOW! I can't just sit around and wait! Misa could be searching for me or something! Maybe even trying to find another deathnote around the human world?! No! I cannot  let this happen! Misa must die! NOW.'

L is looking outside the window. His darkened eyes are staring at the moonlight.

While Light glanced over once. Before looking away from L. He swiftly grabbed the little paper from his pocket. It was teared. From the death note.

Clicking his watch four times, he felt beads of sweat forming on his head. A bead of sweat rolling down his face.

He looked over again. L is distracted. Watching the twinkling stars, and the raindrops rolling down Light's bedroom window panes.

Light takes out the little pin needle that he stuffed inside the watch. His grin of terror just like the Cheshire cat began to form as he pricked his finger.

He makes another glance. 'thats right, L..keep looking at those beautiful stars. Let them shine brightly in those pitch black eyes...'

Light let's out a quiet wince. Feeling the blood drip down his finger. "It's a wonderful evening. Don't you agree?" L asks. Not looking at Light but admiring the stars that are outside the bedroom window.

Brown eyes glance over towards the black-haired male. "Yes, it's quite nice. Isn't it?" Light muttered as he is focused on writing Misa's name in his blood onto the little piece of paper.

"I agree. The stars look lovely." L responded.

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