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"Hm.. well I'll be going home. I'll be back tomorrow." Light responded as he starts to head out of the headquarters.

Soichiro spoke up towards L as soon as Light left the room. "Ryuzaki,why do you suspect my son as being Kira? He has never been the type to murder someone."

"Ah, but that's when you're wrong." L replied as he turned around in his chair. Resting his hands on his knees.

"All the evidence that we have gathered and observed throughout our entire investigation it has all pointed it towards your son. Raye Penber? Your son was on that train. That is correct. Then, his wife disappeared.. then, following that – Misa Amane has to be the second Kira. That makes sense, don'cha think?"

Soichiro sighed. He didn't want to admit it. But L does indeed have a point. He sounded so awful to hear that his son could be the possible murderer.

But the two had no idea, that Light didn't actually leave. He was watching from the corner of the door. Listening in on the conversation that his father and L are having.

Soichiro lowered his head. Collecting his thoughts as he says, "I guess you could be right."

"Could? No, I am right." L remarked in response. Soichiro lifted his head. A glum look in the older males eyes.

He didn't say anything after this. He knew. If this was the case, his son is a murderer. Which is true.

The conversation ended soon afterwards. Just the quietness occurrence back between the two that were talking earlier.

They continued to investigate and type on the electronic computers in front of them.

Light's forehead is slicked with sweat. His heart is having palpitations . His heart beat in his ears. His eyes widened.

He swiftly turned around and exited the building soon after he heard this.

"Loving Kira." - LawlightWhere stories live. Discover now