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The next day

Light and L are both seated. Side by side in th main room of HQ. The handcuffs were off this time. Light decided to ask about this.

"Ryuzaki, why are we not retained?" He asks. L is stacking up cubes of sugar as he heard the question flood into his ears.

"Well," L paused and placed his thumb against his lips. "it's because I can trust you around here. It's however if you go out in public, alone. That's when I'm suspicious about this. You aren't off the hook, Light."

Light bit the inside of his cheek. Clearing his throat as he laughs this off. "Oh Ryuzaki, there is nothing to worry about."


"Not like that!" Light exclaimed in defense as he looked back at the entrance security camera. "Eh.. it's Misa. She's at the entrance."

L pushed the button. "Misa, you may enter." He says as the bottom flooring doors open up.

Misa cheerfully skipping inside. The doors shut behind her. Light gets up from his chair. "I'm going to walk her up here."

"Such a gentleman." L teased with a smirk on his lips. As he lifted the stacked sugar cubes that were resting on the spoon and eating them all at once.


"–Whatever." Light rolled his eyes as he walks off.

'PERFECT! This is amazing. He is such a dumbass. There's no wiretap downstairs, only the camera. But if I face my back towards it and to cover Misa. I won't be caught about this. All I have to say is that she's doing a great job...praise her , tell her I love her and then boom! Kill her in the evening.. there's only one problem, the handcuffs. L will be right by my side! Shit... This fucker never sleeps, this is going to get difficult...but that's okay. I like a little challenge to my game.'

"LIGHHTTTT!!!" Misa squealed in happiness as she ran over and hugged him. Light returned the embrace. His back facing the camera. He knows L is watching. Just.. couldn't hear.

Light stared into Misa's eyes. "What do you remember? I need you to tell me." He asks her.

Misa stared lovingly at Light before saying. "I'm not sure what you mean...."

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