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Light and L are now Investigating together. Alone. Aizawa and Matsuda decided to leave the task force. They couldn't take the stress. The anxiety. They didn't want to die because of the second Kira. Killing innocent lives.

"It's just us." L stated as he watched Watori enter with a cart of macaroons.  Then proceeded to leave soon afterwards.

"They are fearing for there lives, Ryuzaki. Which I greatly understand. But I need to avenge my father. We have to catch Kira." Light says.

"Correction, we have to catch the second Kira. Because I know for a fact you are indeed, the true –Kira."L responded as he picked up a green macaroon. Biting a little bit of it off  and eating it.

Light looked over. "I'm not Kira!" He exclaimed in defense. "Whatever, look. Let's focus on the second Kira. The second Kira has killed people on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. But that recently has changed to only the weekends. Saturday and Sunday evening at 10 o'clock until...."

Light paused as he is examining the information. "Until 2AM." He stated. "Great observation, Light. " L mumbled as he is gnawing on the lime green macaroon.

"But today isn't a weekend. It's a random Tuesday. My father died approximately at 1pm." Light says.

"An hour right after you and Misa showed up." L says as he looked over. More determined as ever.

Light felt beads of sweat grow on his forehead. 'shit, he's onto me. Again! I knew I shouldnt have done this so quickly. I should've been more patient. More observant of my dad's suspicious stuff about me. But no. I sacrificed him in an instant. All because of accusations.'

L picked up a pink macaroon and shoved half of it  into Lights mouth. Making Light fall back into the state of reality.

"Mmf-" Light muffled as he began to chew it. He swallowed and says. "what the hell was that for?"

"You were staring at me again." L says. A small smile rises to his face. A tinted pink dusted a bit on his cheeks.

"Ah–" Light turned his head away. Eating the rest of the pink macaroon with a bit flustering to his face as well.

"Sorry, I tend to zone out alot recently." Light excused.

"Is it because your jealous of the sweets I have?" L teased.

Light scoffed. "What? No. To even think of it, I'm not much of a sweets person."

L chuckled softly to himself as he began to type again.

"Loving Kira." - LawlightWhere stories live. Discover now