Part 1

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"Beatrice get up! We have school in an hour!" my annoying, but loving, brother Caleb shouts from outside my door.

I sit up in my bed and stretch my arms and wipe my eyes with the backs of my hands. I grab my grey sweater out of my closet, a pair of blue jeans, and a bra and panties. I head to my bathroom to take a quick shower. I get the temperature of the water just right and step into the shower. I let the water just run down my body for a moment, before I start to get shampoo in my hand. I lather the shampoo in my hair and rinse it out before doing the same with conditioner. I take the loofa off the shelf in the shower and put some apple cinnamon soap on it. I step forward so my body isn't getting hit by water. I wash my body and then step back in the water so I can wash the soap off.

I then turn the water off, and step out and wrap a towel around my body to dry off. After a few minutes I slip on my clothes before I grab my hair brush and put my hair into a pony tail then head out of of the bathroom, and go down to the dining room. My mom made pancakes for breakfast, so I sit at the table and put two on my plate and adding a little amount of syrup. My father is eating his breakfast at the head of the table, and looking at files for his job. He's a tax accountant, so I'm not really sure why we had to move to Chicago. I continue eating my pancakes and take a drink of my water before I get up and take my plate and glass to the sink and washing them quickly.

I head back up the stairs to go to my room. Needing to still brush my teeth I go to the bathroom and do that before I slip on a pair of grey flats and grabbing my book bag. As I'm leaving my room I grab City of Lost Souls off my desk an ego downstairs. I go to the dining room kiss both my parents cheeks and start to walk to school. We only have a five minute walk so it isn't terrible. I hear Caleb come out the door after me and jog to catch up with me.

"Same old, same old Beatrice?" Caleb asks me and I smile up at him.

"Of course," I tell him.

"You're still reading those books?" he asks me diverting his look from me to the book I held in my hand.

"For your information this is part of a huge series," I explain to him. "The first series is The Infernal Devices, then this series which is The Mortal Instruments. She is publishing a new series soon which I'll have to get, plus The Bane Chronicles and all the small stories adding on to the main series."

"You enjoy those books Beatrice," he says and looks back at me. "I'll stick to my Psychology books."

He pats the blue Psychology book in his hand and I roll my eyes. I maybe a straight A student, but Caleb has to be that one step ahead and read the text books for fun so he's never behind when we are learning about a certain topic. Of course I never like to be behind in a class, but I'm not going to be way ahead of it either.

A few minutes we arrive to the buzzing school. Girls gossiping about a stupid boy, boys talking about the hottest girls, and don't forget the group walking together as if they own the place. Caleb and I are unfortunately stuck walking behind them as the walk slowly up the stairs as people look at them, then quickly move their head back to their friends and whisper. I just keep quiet along with Caleb as they all walk in the school, which allows Caleb and I to go around them.

I missed my old school, but it's been a year since I've even been in Vermont. Now I'm stuck with this school, which is basically run by a bunch of eighteen year olds. The group is annoying, but I pretend I don't notice them and continue with my day.

In the group is Four, the football captain and baseball. He also manages to fit in wrestling, and track. Hints why his nick name is Four. He is the best at those four sports at the school. Then there is Zeke Pedrad who is right behind him in football and baseball. Except he isn't the brightest person you'll meet. Neither is his brother Uriah. Uriah doesn't do football, but is the star basketball player for our school. Then there is Will who is just that one nerd in the group. Every group always has a nerd, I think to level out the stupidness of everyone else, but that is my opinion I'll keep to myself.

Now the girls of the group. Christina is the main girl, and of course she is a cheerleader. She is mostly seen at malls, or with Will. She also has a big mouth. She isn't afraid to speak the truth, which I like but also hate about her. Then Marlene. She is dating Uriah. She does basketball as well, and mostly keeps to herself. The only time I've ever seen her yell is at Uriah. Shauna is Zeke's girlfriend, and she is the best softball player at this school by far. She has seen me without her group before and has said hi, good morning, and things like that. She is probably the only one, besides teachers and Caleb, who knows I exist at this school. The last girl is Lynn. She is Shauna's sister, but they are like Caleb and I. Lynn is a bad girl. She does everything that you aren't suppose to do.

That's the group. I'm lucky enough that most of them can't get into enriched classes so I can avoid them most of the time. Will has almost all my classes, same with Shauna. Four just so happens to be in my art class. He doesn't seem like the art type at all. I don't have anyone from the rest of the group in my classes. If you can't gym as a class then Four, Zeke and Lynn are in that class. 

Now that I'm done complaining about most of them in my head I open my locker door an grab my Calculus text book and head to my class. I sit in the middle row, with my theory and all. If one were to sit in the front they would be begging for the teacher's attention, but if you sit in the back it's basically saying I'm not paying attention. So the middle row is the best option, the teachers don't notice you much at all. Plus with my grades the teachers never worry about me.

"Ms. Matthews told me yesterday that we'd have a pop quiz today," Caleb whispers as he sits next to me. I roll my eyes because he whispered, we are the only ones in the room.

"At least I'll have time to read after I finished," I say as I pick up my book and continue to read from where I left off.

More people start to enter the class room choosing their seats, and talking to their friends. Will walks in and sits next to Caleb, and they start to talk about different formulas and what not. He tells me good morning when I set my book down, because of the bell and I reply with the same answer. After a minute Ms. Matthews comes in quickly and sets a stack of papers on her desk.

"Sorry I'm late class," she says and a few people scoff at her. "Today we are having a pop quiz."

Everyone groans except for Will, Caleb, and I. We gladly take the tests from Ms. Matthews as she passes them out. She gives me mine with a blank expression on her face, but has a wide smile as she gives the test to Caleb and Will. Oh well, she's never liked me much anyway. I shrug it off an write my name at the top of the paper before I start to answer the questions.

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