Part 6

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Finally it's last hour! This day has been just dragging on and on. Art was the only class that went by fast. Only because it is my favorite class. I head to the gym and instead of going to the locker room I sit on the stage next to Coach Amar. 

"You not participating today?" he asks and I nod. 

"It hurts to walk, there is no way I could do anything else," I tell him and he nods. 

"Well today is just dodgeball. I was to lazy to actually think of something to do," he says and I nod my head. "Feel free to do whatever, but I expect you back in this class, participating soon."

I smile and nod. "Why wouldn't I want to get back to gym. You're my second favorite teacher."

"Why am I not your first?"

I roll my eyes at him and get off the stage. "Because I have Ms. Wu for art, which happens to be my favorite class."

"I'll make you love this class Beatrice," he says and I shake my head.

"I actually go by Tris now," I tell him and he nods with a smile.

"I like it" he tells me as he turns to leave the gym once again. 

I smile and take my book bag off. I pull out my calculus text book and notebook. I set them on the stage, and did through my bag to find my pencil. "If you keep doing that you'll fall in." I turn and see Lynn behind me. I glare at her and turn back to my book bag. "Wow stiff ignoring me now."

I keep looking through my book bag and she comes up next to me. She stands right over my shoulder and watches me as I pull my pencil out of my bag. I flip my notebook to an open page and then my calculus book with my homework on it. I start to write the first problem, but my pencil is taken from my hands. I sigh as I fold the corner to the notebook paper to mark my spot. I just shut the text book not caring if I loss the page. 

I look up at Lynn who is twirling the pencil in between her fingers. I shove my notebook and text book in my bag before I swing the back pack back onto my shoulders. I walk towards the bleachers, only because the doors are right next to them. I'm going to ask Coach Amar to go to the office and talk about the tutoring situation. 

I sit on the first row of the bleachers, I take my book bag off and lean against the second row. I cross my arms over my chest and wait for Amar to come back to class. Of course as I had gotten away from Lynn, Zeke has to come up to me. I groan and grab my book bag. I swing my book bag back on to my shoulder. I get ready to stand up, but Zeke runs up to me.

"Bailey? Wait I know it," he says as he stops me from walking away. "Brittany?"

"That's not even closer," I mumble and look up at him. 

"Beatrice!" He exclaims, then fist pumps the air. "My brother told me you weren't very good at fully listening to rules and what not. I just wanted to clear up that you knew what was going on tonight."

"Yes I do, because I've been bothered about it way to much," I tell him. "Plus I'm going with Peter tonight so I wouldn't have time to tutor him."

"He also told me about that. Don't."

"Why do you guys think you can boss me around?" I ask and sigh. "I've been here for two weeks, and this is literally the first real conversation I've had with you."

"Because we are trying to help," he tells me and I laugh.

"Yeah because tripping someone is helping them. Calling me Stiff, which from what I have heard around the school is a huge insult," I snap and look over at the doors.

As if on cue they open, except freaking Four walks in. I roll my eyes and wipe my face. I see Zeke notice his friend just walked in and he goes towards him. He says a few things to Four who has a confused expression on his face. I turn my attention from them and go and sit down. I pull my book out of my bag and begin to read. 

I hear the bell ring, finally signifying that class is starting. I close my book and put it away. I notice the Amar still isn't in the gym and I mentally groan. Of course he isn't. I grab my book bag and stand up anyway, so I can leave as soon as he gets here. 

"Beatrice Prior." I turn around and see Four with Zeke right next to him. "Newbie in the school, stiff."

"Yep I'm new, now if you could please leave I'd enjoy that very much," I smile innocently at him. 

"Dang Uriah was right about her," Four laughs towards Zeke. "He also told me, along with this nut case about Peter."

"I'm literally going to kill you all. Why the hell should you care if I'm getting a coffee with a boy?" I hiss. "Oh wait you shouldn't."

"Calm down I was just going to say that was an interesting choice considering there are so many better choices then him," Four says and I cross my arms over my chest. 

I hear the doors open and see Amar walk in. Perfect. "Can I head to the office?"

"Yeah go ahead," Amar says as he puts his pen in between his teeth. 

I look at Zeke and Four, and wave at them. I go around Amar to the doors and leave. I make my way down the hall, but hear the echoing of the door shutting. I glance back and see Four running up to me. I pick up my pace, hoping that I could get away from him. The gym isn't terribly far from the office, so I get there before he can catch up to me.

"Hello Mr. Eaton," I smile to the man sitting behind the large oak desk. Mr. Eaton looks up at me and smiles.

"Ms. Prior how great to see you," Mr. Eaton says, and of course the door opens. 

Four looks at Mr. Eaton and goes rigid. Mr. Eaton has a stern look on Four. So I cough to break up the awkwardness. Four comes back into reality and comes over to the desk. Mr. Eaton's gaze never leaves Four and I clear my throat. 

"I was just coming to talk to you about tutoring-"

I start, but get cut off by the stupid idiot next to me. "She just wanted to tell you that we are going to be studying at our house tonight."

I look up at Four with an eyebrow raised. He gulps and I look back at Mr. Eaton with a nod.  "Yes sir. I just wanted to let you know that the tutoring is still on for tonight."

"Perfect," Mr. Eaton smiles at me. "Right after school then I suppose?"

Four talks before I can even blink. "Yep, right after school."

I put on a fake smile and depart from the office. Four follows me out, and as soon as we get outside the office I smack him. "I can't tutor you after school!" 

"Well you are now. I don't want to make him angry," Four spit out before going ahead of me and making the gap between us larger. He goes in the gym so fast, I could hardly see him. I follow after him and I go to stand next to Amar.

I really wish I didn't get forced to this freaking school. Since I am me of course this has happened. 

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