Part 25

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Homecoming game

Since I'm 'dating' Tobias I was forced to come to this stupid football game. If I got to chose I'd be at home sleeping. Mom and dad came as well considering Tobias is back playing. He said that it didn't hurt much at practice last night and that he'll be fine. I just went along with it knowing that there's no way in talking him out of playing. I mean everyone wants him to play tonight. My dad is especially excited, because he adores Tobias.

Today I was forced to wear, by Tobias, his football jersey. It's the away jersey so it's black with the numbers and wording in red. He's, of course number 4. The jersey was ridiculously huge on me, it was annoying during the day. It was comfortable though. I got some grey leggings, a black tank top, and his jersey. I've been wearing it all day, except now I have on a sweatshirt. Tobias told me to wear his team one, and I'm to lazy to argue sometimes. It's black and red wording just like the jersey. My hair has been down all day today, usually I get annoyed and put it in a ponytail but not today.

"Beatrice," Caleb says and I look at him, "Susan is here, she wants to meet by the gate."

Tonight we are playing Candor High, so Susan just came to be with Caleb. They've gotten close these pass couple of weeks. And as much as I hate to say it, Zeke and Uriah are growing on me. It's like hell froze over. They also have become protective of me, which makes Caleb protective of me as well. He doesn't like the fact the Pedrads are with me a lot of the time. During school Uriah and Zeke act like body guards, it's funny. If Tobias says something and does something they question him about it.

"She came for you," I tell him and I can see a faint blush on his cheeks in the dark.

"She's your friend," he says and I roll my eyes. I stand up and we walk down the bleachers. 


"Yes Uriah?" I ask turning around. Uriah is covered in everything random. He has a Dauntless High T-shirt on, black sweatpants, a red bandana around his head, his hair is spiked in every direction, he has purple and red warrior stripes painted on his cheeks, then there is a bunch of random black markings across his face, probably fifty purple beaded necklaces, and glow sticks because he's Uriah.

"Are you sitting in the student section?" He asks as he catches up to me.

"Probably not, Susan came tonight," I tell him and look back at Caleb.

"For what's his name," Uriah replies and I mutter Caleb, "so you should come sit with us. Chris is a cheerleader."

"Lynn and Marlene aren't," I retort and turn to follow my brother.

"Come on Tris," he whines and I roll my eyes.

"Alright fine," I give in, "but I have to tell Caleb."

I catch up to Caleb and tell him I'm going to be in the student section, also to tell Susan hi from me. He nods and gives me a quick hug. I turn back to Uriah and he slings his arm over my shoulder. He grabs something out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"Put this on," he says as I hold up the purple bandana.

"Why exactly?" I ask as I fold it.

"Because you have hardly any school spirit," he says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm wearing Four's jersey," I retort and he just shakes his head.

"Yeah but that isn't enough," Uriah tells me, "Shauna is wearing Zeke's but has her face painted and has our team colors."

Deciding not to argue with him I wrap the bandanna around my head and tie it. I make sure that I don't tie my hair with it.  Once I finish I smile at Uriah and he pats my shoulder.

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