Part 19

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Susan and I stay up in my room and talk about, well everything really. She tells me how Four transferred to Dauntless his sophomore year, and that's why Marcus did too. Marcus used to be the principal at Abnegation Institute. The vice principal at my school, Max Robinson, was principal before Marcus. Susan basically let me in on everything about the well known people at my school. She asks me about my life back home. I tell her about Riley and Aiden. Aiden was also my best friend, and Caleb's. It was annoying at times but that's why I had Riley.

"Tris, Four is here!" I hear my mom yell and I groan.

"I'll just go say hi to Caleb before I go," Susan smiles as she stands up.

I roll my eyes and get off my bed, "yeah you're just going to say hi."

"I bet he doesn't even remember," Susan retorts as we leave my room.

"I may have told him before you came," I smile before I run down the stairs. I hear Susan groan before I do, and I can't help but laugh.

I go to the dining room to see mom putting her coat on. "I have to run to the store real quick. I'll be back soon," she tells me and I internally groan.

"Alright see you mom," I say as I sit at the table across from Four.

"Can we go to the living room or something?" Four asks as he stands up. 

Yeah of course, cause you now I didn't just sit down. Pushing the chair back so that I can stand up, I walk to the living room and Four follows. "What first?"


It's now 4:30 and we  just finished. If Four actually listened to what I was telling him we'd have been done a long time ago. The most annoying class was precalculus. He literally just stared at the wall as I tried to explain it to him. His attention span is like a freaking goldfish's! It was driving me nuts every time he went 'huh' or 'can't you just do the problem'.

"Wait Tris," Four says as I stand up.

"What now? Need me to explain everything again?" I ask agitated. I hate Mr. Eaton and Ms. Reyes right now.

"Can we, um talk about last night," he says scratching the back of his neck.

"No because it wasn't meant to happen," I reply, "I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing."

Four chuckles, "then I'd sure like to see how you kiss sober."

I throw his book at him, and he catches it. Dang it! I was really hoping that it would hit him in his head. Four just has a smirk on his face and I cross my arms over my chest. "Well you're never going to," I hiss and he laughs.

"Now I remember why Uriah called you Kitty last night."

I groan and next thing I hear the front door open. Mom came home a while ago but said that she'll be at dad's work until late. Susan and Caleb have been upstairs the whole time, don't even want to think about that. "Who's here Tobias?"

He glares at me as I say his name before we walk into the front door. Why are these two idiots here?! "Hey Kitty!"

I literally just sit on the floor right then and there. This is literally the worst. Why are the Pedrads in my house now! It was already bad enough Four was here. Uriah gives me a weird look before he comes over and sits next to me. I glare at him and then Zeke comes and sits on the other side of me. "Why the hell are you two here?"

"Four texted us that he was dying of boredom," Zeke tells me. "So we thought we'd come over and have some fun."

"Sorry but I don't really want to have you guys here," I tell them.

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