Part 18

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"Beatrice wake up!" I groan and throw my pillow at the door. My mom is banging on the door and I just want her to stop. It's so loud and my head is pounding.

"I'm up mom!" I call back and sit up. Instantly regretting that, a wave of pain comes across me and I run to the bathroom. Luckily my house is big enough to where we can all have our own bathrooms. Because I was stupid last night and drank I puked as soon as I was leaning over the toilet. I groan before I sit against the wall. I'm never touching beer again. This is the worst pain ever. I remember Susan gave me Advil and I walk back to my room and take the two in the baggie. She is the best person ever to live! I text her a thank you before I grab new clothes.

I turn the shower on the a warm temperature before I take of my pajamas, which smelt awful, and step into the shower. I was my hair and self before I rinse off and shave. Shaving is the worst thing ever. Why do girls have to and guys don't? It's annoying. Once that is done I step out and wrap a towel around me I stand in front of my sink and finally get to see what I look like today. It's not as bad as I thought. I mean I have bags under my eyes but that aren't terrible. I just look a little tired, but the shower probably did me some good. Glad I didn't see what I looked like before I showered. That was probably a bad sight to see.

After I dry my hair I put on my clothes for the day. Which consists of grey leggings, a plain white t-shirt, and a purple hoodie. Not in the mood for anything today. I brush my hair and put it in a messy bun before I go back to my room. I slip on some fuzzy socks, cause I mean who doesn't like fuzzy socks, and my phone before I head downstairs.

"You and you brother are so lazy today," mom says as she sets plates on the table.

I glance over at Caleb who is leaning back in his chair in sweatpants and a hoodie. His hood is up and he is on his phone. For once he doesn't look like a nerd. I sit in my seat and Caleb looks up. Just by looking at him you can tell that he has a headache. I guess he hasn't taken any Advil or anything this morning. Pulling my phone out I notice the time. It's already 11:30. I never sleep in this late, so why am I. Then I reminded my self that it hungover from drinking last night. I wonder when we got home.

"You two are lucky I made you guys lunch," mom says setting a pizza in the middle of the table, "your dad wouldn't have let me if he was home. He would have made you make it yourself."

"Your the best mom," I smile up at her and she kisses the top of my head.

"You guys better have me as the favorite parent now," mom smiles as she goes over to Caleb and kisses the top of his head. "Now both of you eat up I bet your starving."

Well I had to agree with her saying I was starving. I grab a few slices of pizza and set them on my plate. Caleb does the same and we both eat in silence. I stand up to go get a drink and hear Caleb follow me.

"Did I do anything stupid last night?" He whispers and I glance back at him as I grab a water bottle from the fridge. I close the fridge lightly before I shrug.

"That depends on how you define stupid," I say and he just looks at me. "All I can remember is that you and Susan were making out in the kitchen."

"Me and Susan?" He asks shocked and I nod. He looks as if he's trying not to be happy but he is.

"You can be happy," I tell him and a smile come across his face, "okay not that happy."

"Shut up Beatrice," he smiles before we both head out to the dining room.

"Beatrice don't forget Tobias is coming over for your tutoring session at 1!" Mom calls and I groan. I literally hate everything I pull out my phone and see Lynn texted me back.


No problem. Now we need to talk.

What did I do now?

Well it's something you probably don't remember.

Oh god what did I do?!

Can I come over now to tell you. Probs best if I tell you instead of over text.

Yeah sure.

Okay I'm on my way.

The only condition is you can't make out with Caleb in front of me.

Oh my gosh!

I smile at my phone before I finish my last slice of pizza. I take my plate to the kitchen and wash it before I go to my mom in the living room.

"Susan is coming over for a little," I tell mom, "she has to interview someone from Dauntless High."

"That's fine," mom says looking up from her book. After she does she begins to read again.

I head up stairs and jump on my head glad that I get to lay down again. I roll over to my back and decide to scroll through twitter. I only follow a few people from my new school so most of the stuff I see is from friends in Vermont. I smile when I see my friend Riley with her boyfriend. They have been dating since freshman year and are just the cutest. I continue to look through but nothing really good is on Twitter.

"Susan is here Tris!" Mom calls and I tell he to have her come up to my room.

"Hey Tris," Susan says and gives me a hug. "How's the first hangover?"

"Shh," I laugh before I shrug my shoulders. "I puked first thing in the morning and my headaches is going away."

"That's not to bad," Susan laughs before we both sit on the bed. "Now do you want me to tell the whole story or just say what happened?"

"Is it bad?" I ask and she just gives me a so so look. "Just say what happened."

"Candor and Dauntless was going on and you kind of made out with three people," she says and my eyes widen.

"I thought the only thing that happened was that I had to sit on Four's lap," I say and Susan shakes her head.

"Well that was your first dare, then Eric dared Peter to kiss you for a few minutes. That was one you were trying to get away from, then Christina dared Al to kiss you. So that one wasn't really a make out but just a kiss. Then Uriah, being the douche bag he is, dared you to make out with Four for five minutes," Susan explains and I fall back on my bed.

"Why me?" I cry out and close my eyes. "I actually made out with that jerk?"

"Seemed as if you enjoyed it quite a bit," Susan smirks and I hit her with my pillow.

"You and Caleb did too," I retort and her cheeks turn bright red.

"What do you mean?"

"I was sober before the games started," I laugh and she throws the pillow back at me.

"Just avoid the 'sexual tension' when Four comes over," Susan laughs which makes me remember that I have to tutor him.

"Lord help me now!" I exclaim before Susan continues to laugh at me.

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