Part 49

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"If he won't ask then why don't you do it?" Susan asks as she sits on my bed, "I mean you two act as if you are together but you aren't sure." She takes a bite of her licorice before she points it at me, "you need to take charge. Figure this shit out."

"I don't know what to do," I tell her, spinning around in my desk chair, "I've only had one boyfriend before. He asked me."

"Change," she says, "not everything is supposed to be the same. Now get your happy little butt over to his house and ask him."

"There's no way I'm doing that," I tell her, "maybe we can figure it out at prom."

"Prom is a week and a half away," Susan sighs, "don't you want to figure this out?"

"Of course I do," I answer, "I'm just nervous he's going to say it's nothing."

"Cause the guy who said he loved your smile and you are cute is totally going to be all 'yeah it was fake, had a good time though'," she tells me, imitating a mans voice. I smile before I stop the chair from spinning. "You guys are like destined to be together."

"Divergent University offered me a scholarship," I tell her, "full ride actually. Four said he'd want to go there for baseball."

"Seriously Tris!" She squeals and I nod, "you both could go to the same college and be the perfect couple!"

"I'm not sure if he's accepting it though," I tell her, "he's gotten a lot of offers from other schools."

"Then ask him," she says, "it wouldn't hurt."

"Yes it would," I say, "now we need to go dress shopping."

"Oh yeah!" She smiles before hopping off my bed, "Caleb keeps telling me to do that."

"He probably wants to know what color tie to get," I remind her.

"I'm getting the tie," she tells me as she grabs her purse, "I want the colors to be the exact same. I'll make it if I have to."

"Lets go," I laugh dragging her out of my room.

------------> Mall

"I got one!" Susan squeals as she comes out of the dressing room. She steps out and looks absolutely gorgeous. It's a dark pink halter top. The top is covered in lace flowers and has long lace sleeves, the bottom is just plain pink that kind of poofs. It's definitely a Susan dress.

"That looks perfect," I tell her and she smiles.

"Thanks!" She cheers, "now go try on that red dress."

I roll my eyes before looking at the dress she put in my hands before she changed. I quickly change into it in the stall next to Susan's and look at myself on the mirror. It's a dark red color, which immediately makes me think of what Tobias said at the party.

"Feelings eh?" He smirks, "well I like when you wear red, definitely the best color you wear.

I smile at my reflection before I actually look at myself. The dark red material is tight at the top but after my waist it flows to the ground, the strap starts at my collar bone and wraps around my neck, on the left side there is a slit that goes close to the top of my thigh. That part is kind of annoying but I really really like this dress. I leave the stall to see Susan sitting in a chair with her dress over her lap. She smiles when she sees me and nods.

"That dress looks like it was made for you," she tells me and I blush, "you are getting it."

"What if I don't like it?" I question.

"You'd be crazy," she answers, "now change, we have to pick out ties."

"I don't think I need to chose Four's," I tell her as we go to check out."

"If we find a tie that matches we are getting it," she tells me and the lady rings up her total. Susan pays before the lady gives her back her dress, change, and receipt. I go through the same process and we leave the store. "Okay now does Caleb like bow ties or-"

"Just get him a regular tie," I tell her as we enter a store. She starts to look and hands me a tie. It is the same color as my dress.

"Looks like we are getting his tie," Susan says and starts to look for another one for Caleb. "Now as much as I'd like Caleb to wear pink, they don't have my color. So is silver a good choice?"

"If your shoes are silver," I shrug and she smiles.

"That's perfect," she squeals and drags me to the next check out line. Once we buy the ties she drags me to a shoe store. "Last stop, promise."

"Is just getting black," I tell her as I look at the different heels. I find a pair of black platform heels with a small peep toe, they look about 4 inches. Luckily I find my size and I grab the box. Susan found a pair silver platform heels with a strap around the ankle. They look like they are 6 inches tall. "How will you walk in those?"

"That's a stupid question," Susan says and we both giggle, "now let's get out of here. We have a stop at Four's house."

Once we pay for our shoes we head back out to the car. Because I'm not lucky I see Lauren walking out of the dress shop I passed with Tobias not to long ago. In her dress bag I can see that it's the peach dress I saw and immediately liked. She smirks at me before she continues to walk with Ash, right in front of us.  I glance over at Susan who is looking at Lauren with disgust. Lauren's already pulled out her jean shorts, that look like bikini bottoms, and her crop tops, that are basically bras.

"I'm surprised Four hasn't asked me yet," Lauren tells Ash glancing over her shoulder at me, "I think s he's waiting for the perfect moment. I bet it's going to be the biggest prom-posal."

"He probably is planning something huge,"Ash replies, "I mean he's been quiet around us for a week or two."

"You're so right!" Lauren agrees, "he's been quiet because he's keeping the surprise from me."

"I heard the Eric was going to ask me!" Ash exclaims and Lauren smiles at her.

"You two are so cute together," Lauren tells her, "I mean not as cute as me and Four, but right behind us."

"I know we are!" Ash smiles, "I made sure to get a black dress because he doesn't like dressing in stupid colors."

"I was think Four could get a white tux," Lauren explains, "white looks so much better with peach then black."

"Excuse me," Susan speaks up, "in case you haven't noticed, a snail passed us."

"Oh there is people behind us," Lauren says turning around, "nevermind it's just two stiffs. You think you're going to prom? No one would ask you."

"As a matter of fact both of us got asked," I tell her.

"Your brother and her in guessing," Lauren says, "but who would ask you? They must've been desperate."

"It's a surprise," I smirk, "you'll just have to wait."

"I'll have my camera ready," she replies with a fake smile. Susan and I walk around her and finally get to the doors.

"She's in for a surprise," Susan says once we both are in the car. With that said we both burst out laughing.

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