Lola's travels and adventures.

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So now I'm going on an adventure which will be fun.

"You have everything?"

I stare at him. "You will miss me."

L eats a doughnut. "Yes, I think I might miss you," he admits.


He gRaCeFuLlY licks the doughnut off his fingers.

"I'll probably miss you..." I lie.

L sees through it. "You will definitely be utterly lost and extremely lonely and sad without me."

"What?" I cross my arms, "No way..."

"You will suffer from withdrawal symptoms."

"Enough about my suffering!" I yell crossly, "I've got to go soon and I don't appreciate this cruelty so early in the morning."

L apologises and pats me on the head.

I'm going to die without him.

Watari enters the lounge where we're sitting to witness L trying to take out all of those 30 odd multicoloured hair clips I stuck in my hair for no reason.

He LaUgHs.

Watari's just lonely.

That's why he's laughing.

At least I have two friends now.

L and I are very compatible.

He keeps me sAne.

Because apparently I am 99.9% mental.

It's time to leave, so I grab all my bags and follow Watari out the door.

L grabs me.

I drop nothing because I am skilled and fabulous.

"If they fight, tell them I'll make them suffer."

"WoAh, that's not very nice," I scold him.

"But you need lots of sleep to function."

He's right.

I'm gonna be on a twelve-hour flight sooo...


Lots of sleep.

I hug L because we'll be apart for three days and he looked lonely already.

I didn't expect him to hug me back...

But I guess I should start expecting the unexpected.

He's really warm and snuggly.

Like a pillow.

I love pillows.

"Bye-bye! Watari will be grumpy with me if I'm late."

I reluctantly unwrap my arms from around him.

"Ok... goodbye." L scratches his head.


I find the correct flight and queue up to have my luggage chucked on a plane.

I just hope the fake passport and all that work, it would really be a big fat sticky mess if it doesn't.

Fortunately, everything's fine and I'm at security barely half an hour later, the line is barely a trickle of people and I'm done with that in no time.

Now I can go spend all Watari's money in anime shops...

Yeah, I probably shouldn't do that.

I wait patiently on a hard chair.

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