Friends don't hit each other with chocolate bars.

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"Why are you watching Light?"

L narrows his eyes and continues to stare at Light and Matsuda who are having a conversation as Light clambers into his car.

"Can I watch him too?" I ask mockingly and press my face to the cool glass, like L.

He grabs his cell phone and starts dialling a number.

"Wow, now that's just creepy!" I scoff, folding my arms as I watch him finish tapping in the number and hold the phone to his ear.

L rolls his eyes at me wordlessly as he waits for Matsuda to pick up. "It's Ryuzaki," he says. "When you two are working together I want you to keep a close eye on Light the entire time, and please keep this between you and me."

"Pfft, you just want him to stalk Light for you," I say scornfully, and retreat back into the darkness of the room.

There's silence for a moment before L takes an exasperated breath. "I don't intend to 'stalk' Light, we simply have to keep a close eye on him."

I shrug from a few steps behind him. "Yeah, yeah..." I dismiss, my mouth subconsciously forming into the ghost of a smile. "Just... sleep for once."


L has been watching Light all day as he wanders around some places with Matsuda.

I need some love.

Mello is screaming at Near.

Naomi's attempts to calm them down are futile.

Where the heck is Watari?

I'm hungry...

L eats a biscuit.



What a juicy biscuit.

Can biscuits even be juicy?

I don't know...

"L!" I shout.


I roll off my sofa and onto the floor with a thud. "Ow."

L ignores my suffering.

I sigh and rub my BRUISED elbow.

I hate these floors...

Near bursts into the room, followed by some thuds on the door that sound suspiciously like chocolate bars being pelted at very high speeds.

"Near..." I greet him, still on the floor.

Near hides behind me. "I need you to shield me from Mello."

"Oh... why?"

"He won't throw chocolate at you because he becomes terrified when you start screaming at everyone."

I blink, appalled.

"I do not scream at everyone!" I scream.

The thuds on the door cease.

L tells us to be quiet.

I glare over my shoulder. "L is ignoring me," I tell Near.

Near glares at L as well.

"I don't have enough patience to be a detective..." I sigh, still 'protecting' Near.

The boy just looks at me.

"Is it safe to go out now?" I ask him.

Near narrows his eyes. "I don't know... let's check."

We sneak towards the door and open it slowly.

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