Kind parenting.

477 14 7

It's time for us all to travel to Japan.

L tells me that there is no way on this Earth that he is going on a public aeroplane with three newborns and one wife.

And Nate.

But he behaves.

"Welp, you have lots of money so let's just get a private thingy..."

L sighs. "I hate travelling, it's such a nuisance..."

"I've never travelled on my own before," Nate admits, "it makes me feel nervous."

Aw, my bAby is scared.

"Why? Most things are safe, you know," I tell him as I try to get Levi to burp again so he'll stop crying.

"It's merely something I would be happier avoiding."

"Yes," L agrees, "other people are nuisances."

"They always laugh at me!" I complain.

Nate and L share a look.

So do Luka and Lewis.

mY OwN cHiLdrEn aRe pLoTtiNg aGainSt mE.

"Maybe it's because other people find you amusing..." L suggests.

"oH maybe."

Watari is able to organise transport, now all we have to worry about it accidentally bumping into anyone we know.

Oh and I realised something quite funny.

Light probably wrote my name in the death note.

But because I was pregnant at the time I couldn't be killed, as my death would have a direct impact on another humans lifespan: my unborn children.

SO for Light, seeing me and L would be like bumping into two dead people at the same time who also happen to have three children.


That would be funny...

But mostly terrible.

Anyway, we pack our things and head off early the next morning.

We are all exhausted.

Wait, no; two of us are exhausted because the other four are inhuman and NEVER SLEEP.

At the airport, we meet Watari who shows us to some other place where we can go on a private aeroplane.

I will never get used to staff treating me like some sort of royalty.

I have literally down nothing of value in my life apart from donating that 35p to charity.

L seems to be used to it but just kind of ignores other people anyway...

Nate scowls because I told him to put his toys away until we get on the plane.

And all of the babies are crying again because maybe they just have nothing better to do...

Or it's because I forgot to feed them.



"Nate... can you share your toys a little?" I ask as Luka tries to eat the boy's robot but he snAtches it off him.

"Why? That's how I behaved. The only way to get what you want is to either steal it or earn it," L says HELPFULLY.

"bUt THat'S NoT kiND pArEntiNG!" I exclaim.

L shrugs and chews a biscuit.


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