Mello is emotional.

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I'm doing a chapter that isn't in Lola's POV.

Because she's very busy right now.

So it'll be from MY perspective (the author), and it'll focus on Nate and Mihael sort of waiting outside.


Nate is the first one to decide to leave the room.

It's because he feels unsure about being there while the doctors busy themselves with checks and procedure.

He finds a place to sit in the room next-door and takes some dice out of his pocket.

It's barely a minute before he's joined by Mihael, who is white as a sheet.

Nate tilts his head. "You don't look too good..." he says.

"I feel like it's me in there..."

"You are so theatrical," Nate says simply.

Mihael finds himself irritated by this. "I'm not, I'm worried about her... unlike some people." He glares.

The other boy scowls.

Nate is worried.

But what's the use of getting all upset about it?

Mihael is so unreasonable...

"I'm sorry if it seems that way," he says indifferently.

Lola starts to scream about how the men should be giving birth because she doesn't want to.

The doctors give her medicine to be calm.

It doesn't work.

"She's never been serious, not for one moment in her entire life." Mihael's lip curls.

Nate frowns. "She's saddened that L isn't here, as am I."

"Hm... can't imagine how she feels..." Mihael says gruffly.

"But who can?"

They both settle comfortably in the room on some sofas.

"Chocolate?" Mihael offers generously.

"No thank you."

He's surprised. "I offer you chocolate, and you decline?"

Just who does Nate think he is!?

"I won't accept it until the offer is genuine."

"Then you've missed your chance," Mihael responds in an unfriendly way.

They both sit, brooding over nothing in particular.

Nate wonders what the average speed of a cloud is.

Mihael is terribly worried that he'll run out of chocolate before the night is through.

The two of them are utterly hopeless.

Lola meanwhile, is getting on splendidly!

One baby will be born within the hour.


And the others will likely follow in quick succession.

She's fortunate that everything is going so well, and so quickly...

Damian grins from his mysterious magic pool...

He decided to help her after all, what harm can it do?

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