Stop peer-pressuring my boyfriend.

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It's been a week since Light, Misa, and Yagami were put into confinement.

They are all suffering.

I can feel their pain.

I've been confined to this armchair for a week by pure boredom.

Near and Mello have been given some difficult work to do by Watari.

From what I've picked up, it's only one question, but it's maths and problem solving and there's lots of stuff to remember and they aren't allowed to use a pencil.

So they have to keep all the information in their heads.

Can you imagine how impossible that would be?

I think my brain would melt.

L has been helping Near whilst keeping an eye on Light.

"Could you keep that number in your head while I calculate this?" Near asks.

"Yes," says L, glancing at the paper.

Mello growls and scrunches chunks of hair in his fists.

"It's 7.75," Near decides a few minutes later, his eyes lingering on the calculation. "Yes, that's right."

L nods and nibbles on an ice lolly. "4,530," he recalls the number he was asked to remember.

"So it's... 4,530 millilitres... per 775 people." Near frowns and get's to work mentally dividing 4,530 by 775.

He turns to Mello. "Would you like me to tell you the answer?" he asks.

Mello narrows his eyes into slits. "No!" he scoffs, "Why would I get you to tell me the answer? Why are you even using L for help?" his voice becomes raised.

Near looks at him as though he's stupid or something. "It says; 'you can use any means to answer this problem in the most efficient way.'" He glances at the detective beside him. "The most efficient way is to ask L for the answers."

Mello gapes like a fish.

L's lip twitches. "He's right, even if Nathan doesn't actually do any work, getting to the answer was the aim of the problem. The other hint we gave you was the lack of a pencil, I'm sure it would be nearly impossible to keep all of the information in your head," he explains.

Mello slams his fists onto the table. "How was I supposed to know that? That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life! You can't get credit for something if you don't do it!"

"I didn't eat the cake, but I got credit for it..." I decide to make an input.

Matsuda smiles sheepishly.

"The appropriate term would be 'blamed', and I've already apologised. I know it was Matsuda who ate my cake." L glares at the young man out of the corner of his eye.

"That's not a good example," Near tells me simply.



"I'm sorry if I'm not good enough for you, snowflake," I huff, folding my arms.

"I hate this!" Mello exclaims. "I hate you, Nathan, you'd offer me the answer, but not the chance to do it myself? You think I can't do it!" he accuses.

Near sighs, unfazed. "I should have known you'd react this way."

"What's that supposed to mean! SAY THAT AGAIN?" Mello jumps up.

Oh dear.

I reach over and grab his shirt. "No violence." I hold the boy tightly, just in case he decides to try and beat Near up.

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