CHAPTER 3 - Lost

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Xandra's P.O.V.

I scanned the letter quickly, taking it in.

Dear all,

By the time you receive this, i'll already have been gone. I know it's hard, but I have to leave you guys. I've decided to run away to a much better place. That place is confidential so there's no point trying to track me down, you'll be unable to locate me. Sorry family - Mum and Dad especially. Last but not least: Rose, Vi and Xandra. Don't ever forget Dawn. It's not you, it's me.

Best wishes, love you lots, sorry this came as such a shock to you...

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDawn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

No. Nonononono, this had NOT been written by Dawn. She doesn't speak formal. No.

I rubbed my eyes angrily. How could she leave us? Especially like this!?  Both Rose and Dawn didn't turn up to school for THREE WEEKS, and then me and Vi both knew something was wrong. I had cried until there were no more tears left to cry. Violet had stopped crying ages ago, trying to take control of the situation and took a deep breath - but nothing she could say or do would make either of us more happier than we were now.

She handed me Rose's letter. Identical, just in her handwriting, that IS strange.

"What, do you think they've both gone together or something?" I asked. The sobs had suddenly disappeared as I held onto this glimmer of hope. "I mean, they'd never just LEAVE like that, would they? Do you think they're just pranking us or something?" Violet shrugged, her eyes were puffy from crying like mine, tears clinging to her lashes.

"What I think, " She continued solemnly, "Is maybe they were forced to write this from some other person -" She cut off with a gasp "Maybe they've been kidnapped!"  I raised an eyebrow.

"Shut up. Don't say that. But - how can you be so sure?" She examined the paper closely. "I watch way too much Sherlock, what do you expect?  maybe this is just some sick joke..."

Maybe she was right.

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