CHAPTER 5 - What Test?

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Rose's P.O.V.

This morning ended up being scary. I woke up to a guy with NO EYELIDS AND A BLOODY CARVED SMILE wake me up because I like to oversleep. Don't you judge me. I screamed until my voice went hoarse, "Let me go! Let go, please! HELP. SOMEBODY HEL-"  then the killer slapped me round the face. "Shut up!" He hissed angrily, and pulled out a knife. I find my voice again and screamed at double the volume, HE HAS A FRIGGIN KNIFE, what did you expect me to do?! He raised an eyebrow, and suddenly pointed the sharp point of the knife to my throat. I was instantly silenced.  

The madman grinned. "Good. Works every time! Now - you wanna live?" I nodded, petrified. He continued, but though he spoke softly, I still quivered in fear. "That's right. You DO want to survive this. Now I've lived through with The Trials basically the whole of my psycho life, and I know the rules - and what happens to you Selected. If you stay silent and follow everyone's orders, you'll be fine. Now get up, you lazy little - "

I couldn't hear him, he was a psycho. I wanted to scream for another load, but I could tell he was serious about the whole knife thing. He carried on speaking, barking out orders, and my body obeyed though I didn't listen at all. I whimpered with fear, the psycho was gonna kill me. I was going to die. Before he could see, I wiped at my eyes furiously, lost and confused. Those nightmares I had every single day - that creepy man was standing right here. That would mean there should be a whole other flock downstairs... I got more and more frightened with each passing second.

I was going to a huge room, something I didn't expect. I pictured The "Living Room" To be some sort of torture chamber. The word Psycho ringing in my head over and over again. Instead, the living room was a casual living room. When I say casual - I mean the normal living room you'd get in a mansion - all marble floor and cream fur couches and all. I gasped, watching anyone who looked at all like a killer. A yellow hooded one spun round after bumping into me in the corridor, and I totally skipped his stammering apology - instead focusing on the illuminate red frown and glowing red eyes. 

 I crowed in fear and raised my arms to my face. "I.. please.. I didn't mean to.." The killer watched me, blank mask giving off no expression. "Y-yep, you're not g-g-g-gonna do very w-well." He murmured, stalking off. So I focused on the room itself. I entered, almost instantly  surrounded by around ten other girls approximately my age. Jeff and the blue masked one stood awkwardly at the door, watching all of us - scrutinizing our every flaw. I was too petrified to cry. Too shy to speak. Too confused to worry. I went and sat next to a pretty looking girl who looked like she was about to collapse - at least I found something we both had in common. I examined her closely. Sandy blonde hair which slid straight to her waist, anxious blue eyes, a pale face and long fluttery eyelashes.

"What's wrong?" I asked kindly. She grimaced. Then took a deep breath and looked back at me with those piercing glassy eyes. "The test... I did the test." I cocked my head to the side. "What test? I was silently hoping on the bright side of all this kidnapping, I'd be missing school." It was meant to be a joke but the girl seemed to be  highly against jokes. 

The girl stood up, shaking. "This isn't kidnap. They're letting us make use of our own raw talent. Have you done your Test yet?" She winced as she spoke, like the "test" was something really, really bad.

"BTW, the name's Rose. Rose Jones, how about you?" I gabbled, trying to change the subject. She shrugged. "Heidi." She smiled warmly but then the smile vanished as instantly as it had come. "Have you done your test?" I shook my head. "No, what's that all about anyway?" Heidi kind of trembled a little, and she shrugged. How long had she been here?

Suddenly, the midget in the green Link costume came over to us - Ben. I lost the ability to speak and instead leaned back, "You okay?" Ben asked Heidi. She nodded, blushing. 

"How did the test go?" He asked innocently. Heidi frowned and buried her face in her hands. "It went terribly, I bet. I'll probably end up dead." The words spiked into me, painful and acidic. "D-dead?" I asked quietly. Ben grinned. "You're new, don't listen to Heidi when she goes on about the test.. It'll be a piece of cake. Fingers crossed I get you!" 

 "I'm not scared or anything - why did you have to kidnap us? Ugh, my family need me. What am I supposed to say? You can't keep us all here in this big house - I mean, that's kidnap!"

Ben leaned back and coughed, like he was about to narrate a long story.

"Long story short - Slendy, Jeff, E.J., and I are the Originals - which means we hold the Proxy Trials. Twenty girls are selected, one's we think withhold enough strength and power to become a Creepy Pasta. The Testing is the stage where Slendy tests you on your abilities and can find out your strengths and weaknesses. Slendy will explain the rest later."

"Whoa, wait," I interrupted sharply. "You're saying you kidnap a bunch of girls, torture them in this Testing baloney, and do what exactly...?" He nodded. "All Slendy's idea, don't complain about it to me.  We can't keep up from hiding behind the crimes and kidnap forever, you know - We're bound to be discovered. But clever Slendy organised the Trials so we can carry on living as per usual. That's why we create more Pastas." I was in a room with a bunch of kidnapped girls, and taken into the care of some killers - seriously cute - but still, killers. And I'd be unable to escape. Why would they do this?  Those questions were gonna be asked later. I was still half in shock.

Confusing, much.

I wanted to cry with rage and tear down the place. That means i have to kill everyone else off to become this...pasta or whatever he said. I was gonna cry all over again, but bit my tongue.

Then the only thing that could have made the situation worse. A hooded guy with a dark, empty face and gleaming red eyes entered, staring right at me. "Um....R-r-r-rose J-j-jones? Please report to Slenderman's surgery. Your Test will begin shortly.

A shiver ran down the full length of my spine. Slender Man.

I've played the game plenty of times.

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