The Second Trial.

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Axel opened one eye, then the other. There was not much difference though, she was still swallowed by instant darkness. Where was she now? Small gusts of wind lashed upon her from overhead, which meant there was no roof. But hang on, why would there not be a roof?

Without warning, the floor jolted heavily underneath Axel's weight, and began to levitate upwards. She gasped, curiously. This must be how a blind person feels. She though to herself.A clash of metal against metal brought her back to sense. The floor was still raising - higher and higher... Then she heard the steely metal voice spurt out like the crackly voice you hear at the train station - Mind the Gap.

"Floor One."Came the voice, clear as anything. Floor One? what the fuck was that suposed to mean?

Suddenly though, it go to her - SHE WAS IN A DANG ELEVATOR! Well done Axel, She whispered to herself, groping around wildly to locate something. She refused to be scared of anything. Her hands grazed against a wall. Yep - definitely an elevator. Lucky for her, being blindfolded in a dark elevator was her thing. All elevators had escape buttons - so where was the escape button when you needed it? "Floor 4.........Floor 5.........................Floor 6.....................................Floor 7"

"Ugh! SHUT THE HELL UP!" Axel shrieked to no one in particular. She was trying to think. Feeling around the walls, her fingers brushed against scuff marks, dents, warning signs...

"Floor 8" To her instant relief, her thumb ran over a big bump in the wall. She examined it with her finger - yep - definitely a button. "I almost began to think I was losing my jam!" She mumbled breathily.

"Floor 9.......................Floor 10.........."She slammed it with as much force as possible, the wind from above whipping up so powerful it was almost dragging her up. She felt her hair whip her face sharply, but she had only one goal and that was to ESCAPE.

"Floor 11........"The elevator doors pinged open, and she took a deep breath. " Au revoir, Second Trial!" She shouted, before making a move, and when she fell out - brilliant light flooded her eyes! She could see everything suddenly, and it was the greatest feeling ever. After brushing her combats down, she grinned as Jeff stood watching her. "Wll..." She smiled cheerfully. "That WAS quite easy, wasn't it. You'll have to do way more to get me to die off." She done an Irish jig of victory, and almost had the sense to kiss the ground. She wasn't THAT relieved.


The elevator grinded against the wall suddenly, making her jerk. She leaned against the wall, sliding to the ground, crying quietly. "I want to die.....So I will die." She whispered frostily, facing a darkened wall. " I guess.......... this is the end of Heidi Carlisle." She couldn't even be bothered to look for the escape. She WANTED to die, and she would be the only one who knew the reason why. She looked up and squinted through the nothingness, and thought she could barely make out the rows and rows of sharp, cleaned daggers. Ready for her. But she was ready for them. However for some reason, she found herself praying hard.

Praying for her friends, everyone who cared, and would one day come to know about her secret, hopefully. The one's who were always there for her: Emily Juffs, Violet Harper, Xandra Hollys, Rose Jones, Dawn Stanley, Rinwana Greyson, Axel De le Mort." She grinned, remembering Axel's stalker secret. Axel had a promise to keep, and she never broke her promises. She will end up telling them, sooner or later.

Heidi remembered all the happy memories of her past, suddenly flooding through her like a wave. Avoiding to think about back at home, she pictured being wit her friends, surviving after this, running away and never going back home. They would be invincible, and with them she felt like she belonged.

"Floor 10.........Floor 11"She suddenly noticed the massive square hole up above, cut into one of the steel walls, a massive hole - promising and extremely tempting. Heidi prayed she made the right decision, and looked right up at the sharp pointy ends, where her body would be dangling from in a second.

"Floor 12." Heidi always made the right decision, so she would be right again. A pale palm wiped the tears away fiercely. Heidi was ready for them.

"Floor 13." And a sickening thud.

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