CHAPTER 22 - Eyeless luck.

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Dawn's P.O.V.

I crouched down at the foot of my bed, tears streaming down my face. Okay, scratch what I said before, I miss my old home like CRAZY.

All of a sudden, Masky entered the room, looking as if he was trying to mentally beat himself up. And I knew this because he promised to Vi he wouldn't wear that mask for a day, just for her. I smiled, tired. He was just mad about her. I just wished there'd be someone who felt that crazy for ME, it never worked out for me. Never, and now I have a mega-crush on Eyeless Jack, who I'm sure didn't care about me in the same way.

I wiped my eyes fiercely and faked a happy, cheerful face. "Where's Axel?" Masky questioned curiously. He had an edge of annoyance to his voice, like he was pissed with something. " I think she went off somewhere to practise, after the Elevator incident with Heidi, she does nothing BUT train. " I watched his face. Vi was right, he WAS cute, in his own terribly shy, cheesecake-loving way. But I really couldn't say anything, because I thought JACK was hot. And he had no fucking eyes.

" Masky... why'd you look so annoyed?" I asked teasingly. He sighed, shutting away piercing blue eyes. Who gave a shit about eyes anyway? "Well, actually I'm annoyed with Violet. But not ANNOYED annoyed. You get what I mean." I shook my head, making a face. "No Masky, I do not know what you mean." I dug him in the rib. " I bet you two did stuff together the other night when she was in your room..." I laughed at his confused face. "Um, no. Not really. Not yet. I mean, with the Trials and everything, and We're not even officially DATING yet, and... Oh go away." He turned to leave, but I pulled him back and gave him a scolding glare. He rolled his unneeded but still unrealistically blue eyes. "Erm, Vi and me were bitching about as usual, and then she asked me what my real name is because Masky was hardly a name." I nodded. To be honest, I had always been privately thinking that myself. "So yeah, I told her. But now I regret it so much." He cupped his face in his hands, embarrassed. "She just keeps going on about it and laughing."

I was suddenly curious in extreme measures. "What IS your name, then?" It would have come out sooner or later. 'Masky' face-palmed himself, looking like he wanted to melt. "It's Tim, happy? Don't wear it out." It was physically impossible to hold in the laughter. You'd have to be Slender Man not to laugh. I really don't know how you could wear the name TIM out. So right, I was choking with laughter, tears in my eyes. "T-TIM! YOU'RE FUCKING REAL NAME IS TIM! SERIOUSLY?" I had received a massive stitch from laughing. But it died down after watching Tim's ridiculed face. "Do you know what? I'll call you Masky. I'm not as cold as Violet, so watch out." I laughed all the way down the stairs, and I had totally forgotten I had been  crying my heart out just a bit before. 

I walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water - laughing made you incredibly thirsty. And stopped dead when I saw Emily and Ben working their way through a huge bowl of brown stuff. "Mmm, chocolate pudding, want some?" Inquired the disgusting pair as they shovelled it down their greedy gobs. I laughed awkwardly. "Um, guys... that's kind of Rose's french face-mask she made earlier. No change though. To me, they seemed to be eating it way faster. "Ooh la la!" squeaked Emily in a mock french tone. "Fancy French Pudding, what ARE the odds?" She grabbed an even bigger spoon and scooped out a fairly vast hunk of former face-mask. Would it help to tell them what it was made of?

"And fyi, it's made of Orangutan Poop. Just thought you'd like to know, since you're so struck by it's taste."

Ben gave me a look of horror+disgust+shame+guilt+embarrassment all rolled into one. Then with quick pace, he dropped the spoon on the floor and retched, half sprinting-half stumbling to a nearby bathroom. Emily however, didn't seem to move from her spot, and continued to chew it cheerily. "Hmm, yep, I taste the banana from the orangutan's lunch." She added inbetween mouthfuls. I stared at her, eyes wide with horror. Much better Xandra punishing her than me, the outcome would be heaps more funnier as well.

I decided to leave the strange girl to her business, and sloped up the stairwell, bumping into him. Seriously? I REALLY wouldn't have cared if it was absolutely anyone else, ANYONE ELSE! So WHY THE FUCK, OUT OF ALL THE FOURTEEN GIRLS AND MANY OTHER CREEPY PASTAS I COULD HAVE CRASH-LANDED INTO, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THE ONE WHO-

"Hey Dawn." Eyeless Jack grinned.

"Oh, um, hey Jack!" I crowed. Whoa, that came out TERRIBLY wrong. I automatically noticed the bag of jellybeans he trailed with. "Oh this? If I'm forbidden to eat any of the selected's kidneys, I might as well feast on the next best thing. It becomes addictive, trust me. I'm almost as obsessed as Masky and Hoodie with their cheesecake... doesn't taste guilty enough for me."

I giggled sharpish. Did that just come out of Dawn Stanley's mouth? I'm horrified with myself. "Um, it's much better NOT to get obsessed J," I advised. He placed his hands on his hips. Just that gesture contained enough manliness to colour my whole world. "Wanna donate a kidney or two to me then?" He asked innocently. And slyly.

"Don't push your luck." I said, teasing him. It's the only time I had with him apart from training, so might as well enjoy it. He chuckled. " See you later Dawn." He smirked. Ugh, and then we had to do that awkward side-step thing where you both go one way, and then try to go the other, but it get's annoying as you're both doing it at the same time. "Soz," He muttered quietly, before fleeing. I turned back, and I noticed him continuously look back at me, and I had the feeling he was blushing under the mask. Suddenly, not even kittens could make the day any better than it was already. And kittens mean business. I heard his voice echo from halfway down the staircase. "GOOD LUCK AT THE THIRD TRIAL." Then I switched back in to reality.

Through the window, I noticed Axel twirling a knife, and resting against a nearby tree. By a nearby corpse. I didn't even want to THINK about who that unlucky individual was. I'd ask her about that later, when she came up to sleep. Instead, I pondered over what Jack said to me.

"Good luck at the Third Trial."

The Third Trial was coming up, and I hadn't even bothered to THINK about training. I bit my nail anxiously. What was going to happen to me? I wasn't sure if I knew what the Trial would have. But the truth is, I'm not sure about anything anymore.

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