CHAPTER 8 - Newbies

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Axel's P.O.V. ☮

I'll b watching u sleep 2night, sugar.. don't try 2 run......... I've got the perimeter covered.

I pressed DELETE almost automatically. This would never stop.

Dawn's P.O.V.

"Are you okay?" I asked anxiously. Axel forced a goofy grin. "Yeah, yeah,  I am fine.d-don't worry about me - " And she dashed up the stairs looking as if she was about to be sick.

The backdoor burst open, and Masky and Hoodie entered with two thrashing girls in their arms. Masky watched the horror reflect on my face and sighed. "Don't worry, these are the last two." He placed the violent girl on the floor and gently and lifted her chin, a softening glimmer through the mask. Expressionless  yet cautious, he checked up the hostages, to make sure they didn't have any severe injuries. "Don't start crying, just go."

being man-handled in black skinny jeans and a loose but very thin white jumper. The only way you could recognise this livid, angry girl was the sandy blonde hair tumbling past her shoulders and the blue tinged eyes. Violet looked even more worse. Her dark tresses were the same, and so was the

It was them. They were alive! I felt my throat dry up and we just stared at each other for like, ten minutes. Rose looked terrified for a few seconds, probably not telling whether this was all just a dream or not. Violet cupped her mouth with her hand, stuck in a tremendous daze. "You - your letter..."

"What letter?!"

We caught up with each other - me and Rose explaining to the other two all about the Trials and what you had to do. Then Xandra and Violet told us all about their little expedition as they tried to find us after we wrote "letters". Me and Rose turned to look at each other: I certainly didn't remember anything about writing a goodbye letter, (I mean, I didn't even realise I'd end up being kidnapped, otherwise I would've called the police, duh) Violet interrupted with a noise of disgust. "How come it's only girls they kidnap? Why not boys as well? No, wait, hang on, why isn't it JUST boys? I mean, they're usually way more stronger than girls, and like, that's just sexist-"

 She seemed to make this situation almost less terrifying with all her questions. I'm still surprised we weren't all homesick right now - but then again, we were still at the shock-stage. Rose laughed. "They're extremely sexist, and If you try to complain to Slendy, I'm sure he'd just brainwave you 'til you shut it with all the questions. "

Maybe the Trials would be okay............maybe. Sure, The chances of ever being able to meet our families again were pretty unlikely, we had each other and that's what mattered for now. And I totally didn't have another emotional breakdown in the closet because of my family, pfft.

There was one thing I knew for certain at that moment. We were gonna have to get used to living with the Creepy Pastas, or we were gonna plan a little escape before it was too late.


A/N: At least they've been reunited! I wonder who just texted Axel...? Hear that people? CREEPY STALKER ALERT.

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