The First Trial

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The Time Trial:

"Welcome, Selected, to the very first Trial of the ANNUAL Proxy Trials." boomed Eyeless Jack's voice through the microphone. "Today's a brilliant day to begin, and a brilliant day to die as well!" He meant it to come out as a joke. That flopped.

The weather was the complete opposite of yesterdays: icy-cold gusts of wind thrashed against the girls' faces like a whip. The grassy field was coated with a thin sheet of frost, and the tress sparkled in the lesser sunlight - branches silvery with dew and frozen peaks of slushy ice.

The four Mentors stood in a row in front of the gaggle of girls, looking sullen and colder than ever. The Proxies waiting around the doors, throwing some last minute calming comments to the petrified swarm. All 20 girls held their breath, not to be sure whether today was their last day, or the first.

"This Trial, otherwise known as the Time Trial," Jeff the Killer shouted above the violent breeze lingering in the icy air. "Consists of only one objective." A Raven's cry echoed around the field, the cry of sorrow, bad luck and death. "There are 20 red flags hidden in various parts of the woods. Your aims are as follows: race to the heart of the trees, find a flag, and return to this very same spot wielding it. You will be saved from elimination to another day. The last three girls won't be so lucky." A cold chill ran through the forest. Ben's face was grim and he sighed, studying all the girls' faces. "You must try your hardest to escape the Woods with your red flag. Many obstacles will be around, trying to knock you off course - we're not going to make the game TOO easy."

Slender man took the mic out of his hands. "The Time Trial begins shortly - in 5...4...3...2...1. You may begin."

The girls dashed as fast as they could, not daring to pause for breath. The climate was so overwhelming, and distant cries of disturbance blew through the trees like an evil song. Either game on or GAME OVER.

Violet sprinted across the frosted bracken; stumbling once, twice. However never once did she see what she was looking for. All of a sudden, the creepiest circus music began to play, making Violet shudder. High-pitched squeaks of laughter. The noise like something from a horror movie. Then, like a bloody bullet: a blur of red skimmed through the glittery sycamore trees, barely making a rustle. She wrapped her palms around her ears to block out the frightening circus sounds, they were in the middle of a Forest, for goodness sake! Violet dashed towards the blur, and broke into the fastest run imaginable. She WOULD get her hands on that flag, she thought. She hoped. Then she stopped. A humoured face with a stripy black and white wooden nose, and eerily big, black liquorice eyes glimmered with vengeance. Violet knew who it was even before she stopped running.

"Give me the flag." She demanded in a cold, cruel tone. Fear changed people. Fear of death.
Laughing Jack laughed wickedly. "Oh I don't think so honey... you see Violet, the day I "pestered" you was the day i didn't get what I wanted. And I ALWAYS get what I want, with any girl I want." The atmosphere between them was so cold, it was unreal. Violet's chocolate brown eyes burned with hatred. "Give. The. Flag. To. Me. Now." She shouted. Laughing Jack just did what he was named after doing again.

"Before, I hand this flag to you - the ticket to your survival," He added, eyeing her face. "I challenge you to a little game." He smiled, flashing his white teeth. "And you know what I mean." He cracked his knuckles and gave her a sad face. "Aww, how sad! Masky's not here to prtect poor wittle Violet, the fool." Violet's glower at him was particularly murderous, and very,very angry. It didn't help the balloons with drawn-on faces revolved around her, putting her off. She was definitely not going to chicken out at this stage.

"So..." He asked casually. "Do you accept?" Violet took a deep breath and tried not to rant as he skimmed a cold hand up and down her bare neck, causing her to shiver. She jerked his hand off and glared, eyes burning with hatred. "You're not gonna k-k-kill me are you?" She whispered, suddenly terrified of the freaky circus clown. He raised an eyebrow. "Fuck no, my job's just to keep you girls in here to boot you out the tournament. Unfortunately. Now, you better make a decision before I have no choice but to go back on my promise to you." A humoured glint in his eye suddenly made Violet feel sick. She couldn't fight AMAZINGLY well, How was she possibly supposed to battle a Creepypasta?

Violet inhaled sharply. "I accept, let's just get this over and done with." and the prowling Jack grinned from ear to ear. "Then let's dance!" He chorused. Before pouncing.


Dawn stacked it on an upturned tree root, twisted and gnarly from underneath the leaves. She turned to face Dark Link, thinking hard. "Can you tell me the riddle one more time please Link?" She asked. D.L. wasn't allowed to let her through unless she soled that riddle, but it was kind of hard.

He laughed. "Trust me, you'll get it in the end! okay, here goes:

There are three houses. A red house, A white house and a blue house. If I live in the red house, and you live in the blue house, who lives in the white house?"

Dawn sat on a craggy rock, thinking hard. "Hmm.. I'm gonna totally flop this - this is just a completely humourous and random guess - Barack Obama?"

She meant it as a joke, but D.L's face positively lit up. "Well DONE Dawn! Go right through then," She scooped the rolled up red flag from the thin hollowed log and turned back the way she came from, whistling quietly to herself.

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