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Before we knew it the end of Unus Annus had come and gone in an instant. The boys were relieved to have a little extra time in their lives and Ethan seems to have perked up slightly himself.

He's been putting extra time into his own channel lately, making more content than I'm sure he actually realises. It felt like there was a video going up almost daily, but he was so proud of himself that I couldn't stop him even if I wanted to.

"Hey Eth?" I knocked on the door of his office where he was finishing up editing a video.
"Yeah?" He turned his head to face me and smiled.
"You wanna help me put up the Christmas tree?" I asked.
"Oh absolutely I do! Give me 10 to finish up this and I'll meet you in the lounge room!" He basically jumped up and down in his seat. I nodded and made my way to the spare room where all the decorations were stored in the cupboard.

I began taking decorations out and putting them in a pile to take downstairs to the lounge room. There was so many decorations, baubles, tinsel, lights, decorations for around the house, you name it and it was there.

I picked up a bunch of things and started taking them downstairs placing them in another pile next to the couch. After two trips up and down Ethan popped into the lounge room ready to help it was nearly dusk by this point, he flicked on the lights on his way in.

"What do you want me to do!?" Ethan asked walking up behind me.
"Could you help me move this small table away from the window? I want to put the tree there!" I said pointing at the table.
"Sure thing" he nodded and picked up one end of the table, I was on the other end. We moved it next to the couch for now and began to open up the big boxed Christmas tree.
"How big is this bloody thing?!" I asked as Ethan began putting the pieces together and standing it upright.
"Uh, big?" He laughed.
"I could have guessed that." I giggled shaking my head.

Once Ethan had the tree stable he began searching through boxes for the lights he needed. I watched as he began walking in circles around the tree, wrapping the lights on starting from the top and working his way down. He stopped for a second to get his bearings after making himself dizzy from walking around in circles so much, I couldn't help but laugh at him.

He stood back next to me to admire the lights that he'd just wrapped the tree with after plugging them into the powerpoint beside the window and turning off the lounge room lights, allowing the Christmas lights to fill the room.
"This is so exciting!" He clapped his hands together, proud of his lights. "What do you want to do next?"
"Hm, how about tinsel then baubles?" I questioned.
"That sounds good!" He nodded and turned to the pile of decorations again to get the tinsel. "Red or green?" He asked holding the two colours of tinsel up.
"Red!" I exclaimed.
"Good because if you said green I still would have done red." He laughed.

He handed me the red tinsel and I began wrapping the tree with it in a similar way to how Ethan wrapped the lights to make it look like the lights were popping out of the tinsel. The lights glistened against the metallic red and looked amazing!

Ethan grabbed the box of baubles and put it between us so we could both put them up together. We'd placed a few here and there and it was starting to come together nicely. I reached in to grab another without looking and my hand collided with his, I looked up at him smiling and so did he. Before I could move my hand away to get another bauble, Ethan grabbed my hand and kissed it softly on the back. I looked back up at him knowing full well I was blushing to which he kissed it again before letting go. I swear he still gives me butterflies.

Once we'd finished decorating the tree we both took a step back, I leaned up against the back of the couch admiring our hard work. Ethan decided that one bauble needed to be moved and took it off placing it in another spot, once he'd done that he joined me at the back of the couch next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and placing his head on mine.
"We did a good job babe." He sighed happily.
"If it wasn't for you moving that one bauble the tree wouldn't have looked good." I laughed.
"That's why I had to move it." He laughed back.
"Thanks for helping me do this." I snuggled into his side more.
"Thank you for asking me to." He took his head off mine and placed one finger under my chin, tilting it upwards to look at his face. I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes when he began leaning in closer. I closed my eyes as I kissed his soft warm lips, feeling him kissing back.

He snaked both his arms around me and pulled me in closer as we made out in the lounge room. When he pulled away all I could see was the beauty of the lights from the tree reflecting in his eyes.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart." He smiled still hugging me close.
"Merry Christmas Eth." I smiled back, nuzzling my head into his chest.

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