Getting ready.

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Ethan and I have been dating for a while now, his fans all love us together. Sometimes I get hate but usually it's because they're jealous of us or wish they were in my position. We've done a couple videos together and I've been noticed enough by the community now that I've been invited to come to a con with the guys!

I haven't been to a con in such a long time, I don't remember what it's like. Especially not panels. I never got to go to any, I would always just browse the booths and buy collectables. But now I'll be the one that's meeting up with fans with Ethan!

Mark organised a tour bus for us all to go in for the con. We were only there for two days so instead of booking a hotel, we are all going to crash on the bus for the two days.

"Ethan!" I call to him from upstairs. "Are you going to get your ass up here and help me pack or am I packing for you?!"
"Uhhh... can you pack for me?" He called back.
"What am I, your mother? Get up here!" I heard a sigh as he made his way up the stairs.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask as he comes into the room with a sad face.
"I don't like leaving Spencer behind." He frowned so I grabbed his hands and pulled him in for a hug
"I know, but it's only two days, Tyler is going to take good care of him!" I tried comforting him.
"Yeah I guess you're right, let's pack then" he slightly smiled.

We finish packing ready for tomorrow's tour bus life, I was excited because I'd never done anything like this before. Ethan was in the kitchen cooking dinner for us.
"So what's tour bus living like?" I asked curiously
"Well" he looked up from the chopping board where he was cutting up some vegetables "you're crammed on a bus with 4 to 5 other people, but it has bunk beds and a mini lounge room and small kitchen. But usually it's a lot of fun talking shit with everyone, most of the time on the first night we drink together to pump ourselves for the panels and cons the next day." He smiled
"I'll be honest it sounds pretty fun, and I mean it won't be so bad sharing a bunk with you!" I winked
"Well that's the thing." He frowned "we only get single bunks because they're all stacked on top each other on both sides of the bus."
"Aw man! We might just have to sneak into each other's bunks" I suggested, wiggling my eyebrows.
Ethan laughed at that making me smile "Mark has a pretty strict rule on tour busses of no sex"
"I'm sure we could figure something out, we could be quiet?" I suggested
"You? Quiet? Sure." He scoffed, I pulled an offended face at him.
"I can be quiet" I crossed my arms.
"Right and I don't get turned on around you, both ridiculous statements" he laughed blushing.
"That's it, you best watch out while we're on that bus then mister." I said grumpily but in a suggestive way.
"Oh really?" He smirked "you'll just have to try your luck." He kissed me on the cheek and went back to making dinner.

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