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After the mornings events in Ethans recording room, we both made our way to the lounge room and plopped ourselves there, watching tv with nothing else to do.

"Eth, I'm bored." I sighed and put my head on my shoulder.
"Me too." He sighed back.
"You wanna do something?" I questioned, looking at him.
"Like what?" He almost tilded his head asking back.
"Let's go for a walk out in nature. Like let's find somewhere, take Spencer, maybe ask Mark and Amy if they wanna come too?" I asked.
"Honestly, that sounds great." He smiled.
"Okay I'll message Amy, you go get dressed!" I said excitedly.

I picked up my phone from the arm of the couch and sent a text to Amy.

(Y - you, A - Amy)

Y: Amy!

A: Hello!

Y: what are you and Mark
doing at this very moment?!

A: uhh, eating some snacks, why?

Y: want to come on an adventure
with Ethan and I?!

A: ooooh! Sure!! What did you guys have planned?

Y: We're going to go find somewhere nice
and go for a long walk, we're bringing
Spencer, you should bring Chica!!

A: Alright! I'll let Mark know!!

"Ethan!!" I yelled while getting up to meet him upstairs
"Yeah?!" He yelled back
"Amy and Mark are coming!" I said as I peeked around the door. Ethan was standing there in just his boxers. I bit my lip and blushed, my head going back to this mornings fun we had.
"Are you going to get dressed then or are you going to stare at me all day?" He laughed and winked.
"I mean staring doesn't sound bad when you've got something good to look at." I smirked and pecked him on the cheek, making my way to get some clothes from the wardrobe.

I found myself a comfortable pair of gym leggings, threw on a T-shirt and pinched one of Ethans jumpers to take just in case. I then sat on the bed and paced up my shoes as Ethan did the same.

I leaned back on the bed and just looked at him. Taking in everything from the fluffy hair on the top of his head, to the way his tshirt draped over his back. I sighed in awe, he was my happy place.

"You ready?" He looked back and smiled softly.
"Yeah, let's head over to Mark and Amy's." I grinned sitting up.
"I'll get Spence ready, wanna grab a bottle of water and a backpack?" He asked. I just nodded in response.

I made my way back downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed two water bottles from the cupboard, filling them both and placing them in the backpack I found in the doorway of the bedroom. As i finished putting the bottles in the bag Ethan walked in with Spencer wearing his harness and on a lead, I put the backpack on and we left our house.

It wasn't long before we arrived at Mark and Amy's, we walked up to the door and as I went to knock, Ethan opened the door and waltzed right in.
"Hello?!" Ethan called out.
"Hii!" Amy walked in from the backyard to greet us, hugging us both.
"Where's Mark?" I asked.
"He's, um... Getting prepared.." she rolled her eyes.
"Huh?" I questioned.
"Well, you know what Mark is like" she laughed.

As if on cue, Mark walked in to greet us. He was wearing his steel capped boots, backpack on: one of those ones that have a straw and water pocket, cargo pants with endless amounts of pockets and last of all, his tactical shovel on hand.

"Mark.. what's all that for?" I asked laughing.
"Y'know, just in case." He shrugged.
"In case of what?" Ethan laughed at him.
"In case of bears, if we get lost and need to sleep in the woods at night, we need to dig a hole to poop!" Mark exclaimed.
"Riiiight" Ethan rolled his eyes.
"Like I said, he was getting prepared" Amy laughed.
"So are we going or what?!" Mark asked walking out the door.
"I guess we are now!" Amy rushed behind him with Chica on her lead.

We all made our way out the door and into Marks car, the boys in the front, Amy and I in the middle and our dogs in the back. Mark started the car and we began driving.

The trip felt long but was filled with us all laughing at eachother, loud singing and Chica barking as we passed dogs in other cars.

We arrived at a small forest, making our way out of the car and taking the dogs out, putting them back on their leads. Chica looked like she was ready to take on the world, but Spencer on the other hand looked very hesitant and stuck right by Ethans side.

He squatted down and pet Spencer's face.
"It's okay lil buddy, we're just gonna go on a bit of a walk and have a look at nature and then we can go home and I'll give you some treats!" Ethan reassured Spencer in a baby voice. He seemed to perk up at the word treats.

"You guys got what you need from the car?" Mark called, pulling out his tactical shovel from the back.
"Yeah all good!" I pointed to my backpack. He nodded and shut the back of the car, locking it as he did.

We all started walking along a gravel path toward what looked like the entrance of the forest. There was a small wooden sign saying that the walking track was a 2 hour round trip.

I got really excited because I loved nature and I began walking along the track, leaving everyone else behind. The trees surrounding us where tall and shady, the smaller bushes and grass was lush and green. There were bushes that had pretty purple flowers lining the beginning of the path.

Ethan finally caught up to me when I stopped to take in the scenery, looking up and snapping a photo of the tree tops covering us from above.
"Someone was a little eager?" He laughed and intertwined his free hand in mine.
"I can't help it, it's just so beautiful out here!" I smiled

We continued walking along together hand in hand, occasionally stopping to take some photos of the greenery. After taking a photo I turned back to Ethan who had his phone held up with the camera facing towards me. I scrunched my face up at him.
"What are you doing?" I grumbled
"You just look so happy out here, I had to take a photo of you!" He said excitedly.
"You're such a goober!" I laughed and walked up to him to kiss him on the cheek.

As I pulled my face away from his he smiled and placed his hand on my face, stroking it gently before quickly kissing me on the lips.
"You're gorgeous (Y/N)" he smiled, making me blush. "I love you"
"I love you too Eth." I smiled back.
"You guys are gross!" Mark yelled out to us from further in front of us.
"Don't be mean!" Amy playfully slapped his arm.

We walked for a while before finding a clearing that had a scenic point, it showed the nicest landscape I'd ever seen. To one side was the city where we came from and the other was lined with tall green trees that looked like it went forever.

"How cool is it up here!" I said, excitedly taking out my phone to get yet another photo.
"It's so nice!" Amy said back, admiring the scenery.
"We found sticks!" Ethan and Mark called out, walking up to us with really big sticks, long enough to be small trees.
"Why?" I laughed shaking my head.
"So we can do this!" Mark yelled "En guard!" He held his stick up to Ethan and Ethan did the same. They started 'sword fighting' laughing and screaming everytime someone got close to getting hit.
"Boys will be boys I guess" Amy shrugged.
"They never do grow up do they?" I laughed.
"Nope!" She shook her head.

Once Mark won, because he refused to stop until he did, we walked our way back down the track to the car and went back to Mark and Amy's.

A/N: that was a long one!! Sorry if I was boring, I wasn't sure what to write but I recently went out to a forest! 😅 also I'm in Australia so I'm not exactly sure where things are in LA lmao

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