Party preparation.

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Ethans POV:
I woke up completely forgetting we slept in Marks spare room last night, I rolled over to see (Y/N) still sleeping and decided I should get up, go to the bathroom and then to the kitchen to make breakfast to thank Mark for letting us stay. I kissed (Y/N) on the forehead quickly before I did.

As I made my way into the kitchen I could hear the rustle of pots and pans clinking off eachother. Mark was in there and by the looks of it had already began scrambling some eggs and preparing some bacon.

"Need a hand?" I offered.
"That depends.." he looked up at me from behind the bench as he said it.
"On what?" I raised an eyebrow confused.
"Are you this Ethan or 'that' Ethan this morning?" He smirked and held up the paddle we used for our first Unus Annus video as he said 'that Ethan'. Fuck. I covered my face with both of my hands, knowing he heard us last night.
"Of course you heard us, didn't you.." I mumbled into my hands.
"Sure did. Now I hope you know you're changing that bedding and washing it before you leave!" He chuckled.
"How much did you hear?" I questioned.
"Well I heard you talking in the hot tub obviously and I swear if I ever hear your name moaned ever again I'm going to gouge my ear drums out" he rolled his eyes and turned back to the bacon.

I looked behind me as I heard Amy and (Y/N) walk into the kitchen.
"Have fun last night?" Amy winked at me. I sighed and shook my head and looked to (Y/N).
"It's okay I got questioned too." She laughed as she came and kissed me on the cheek.
"Breakfast is ready!" Mark announced as he finished plating up the last meal for us. We all grabbed a plate each and sat at the table.

"So what is 'that' Ethan like?" Amy chuckled. I looked at (Y/N) and shrugged.
"Well.." she started, I looked at her wondering if she would actually tell them. "He's a little bit sexy." She laughed.
"You bet." I wiggled my eyebrows at her making her blush.
"Do we have to..?" Mark huffed.
"Well Amy asked!" I replied. Amy smiled clearly amused by the answer and knowing it kinda bothered Mark.
We finished breakfast and the girls tidied up so Mark and I could prepare to record together.

"Hey Eth?" (Y/N) called from the kitchen.
"What's up?" I looked over to her.
"Amy and I are gonna hang out a bit today okay, you boys will have to record without her!" She told me.
"Okay I'll let Mark know." I smiled.

(Y/N) POV:
Amy and I both quickly got ready and made our way out, saying our goodbye to the boys as we left. We were going to do some shopping for Ethan's party that we're going to throw for him!

We jumped into Marks Tesla he ever so kindly let us borrow. Amy began driving to the nearest party shop we could find.
"So you never actually said what 'that' Ethan is like.." she looked at me quickly before looking back to the road.
"I-uh, I'm not sure I should say anything.." I looked down to my feet.
"Come on, like I'm going to say anything." She reassured.
"I know but still..." I fiddled with some fluff on the leg of my jeans.
"Hey, we're best friends aren't we? That's what we do!" She smiled.
"You think of me as your best friend?!" I looked up at her grinning like an idiot.
"Of course I do! You're like the best girl friend I've ever had, I love being around you!" She exclaimed.
"You have no idea how happy that makes me!" I said pretending to wipe away a tear. "I guess in that case I'll tell you, just don't tell Mark or Ethan!!" I laughed.
"You know I won't!" She tapped my leg for reassurance.
"Okay well, 'that' Ethan is very much the opposite of everyday Ethan. He's super dominant, a little kinky honestly but I live for it." I smiled to myself.
"I honestly would never have picked it.." she rubbed her chin. "You know Mark is a little like that too?"
"I'll be honest, I'm not surprised, he's totally got that energy." I laughed.
"Yeah he does doesn't he." She laughed back.

We arrived at the party shop and made our way in, I looked at the list of things I need on my phone and we made our way through the store. We picked out some plastic cups, plates, cutlery, napkins and then a bunch of decorations.

I picked out a bunch of balloons all different shades of blue and some white and silver ones, I wanted to make a balloon garland for him. His birthday was only a couple of weeks away and he doesn't know Amy and I are planning this just yet. We want to surprise him but I'm not very good and keeping a surprise to myself, I just get too excited.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Amy called out to me from the end of the aisle.
"Hey Amy." I replied walking to her.
"So what if we also surprise 'that' Ethan?" She chuckled.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"We should get something a little sexy for you to wear for him." She winked.
"Oh I don't know about that." I began feeling a bit flushed and embarrassed.
"Come on, you're hot and he would absolutely die seeing you in something sexy." She nudged me.
"I mean I wouldn't say I'm hot but, I guess so." I rolled my eyes.
"I've got a place in mind.." she trailed off.

We paid for our supplies and made our way back to the car. Amy began driving, I had no idea where we were going. We pulled up to a large mall and parked the car.
"So where are we going?" I asked as we walked through the mall passing some shops.
"Here!" She pointed up to the Victoria's Secret sign and pulled me in.

We browsed through the store looking at a bunch of different lingerie, Amy constantly showing me different items and sets when I came across a royal blue set that had silver accents on it. It was a push up bra with some strapy kind of underwear to match it. There was also a matching garter set and choker.
"Amy I think I've found it!" I half shouted, she ran over to me and I held it out to her.
"Oh yes, that's the one!" She said "but pair it with this!" She handed me a similar blue lace robe which was mostly see through.
"I love this!" I got excited.
"Go try it on!! Call me when you've got it on, I want to see!" She demanded.

I walked into the change room and tried it all on, still wearing my own underwear under it to be safe, it was really sexy, I felt so confident wearing it. I called out to Amy to come have a look. She knocked on the door when she got to me.
"Excuse my underwear being on but oh my god I'm in love" I swooned you her.
"If you don't buy that, I will!" She looked me up and down.

We walked to the counter after looking a bit more and paid for everything before making our way back to Marks.

A/N: idk how it works in america but here in Australia if we're trying on underwear or bikini bottoms we have to leave our actual underwear on for hygiene purposes so just go with it 😂

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