57. Revelation

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"Wait. I can't understand. I mean, it's a pleasure to be the baby's guardian... but why?" Jisoo asked. 
"Exactly. I mean, we're all werewolves here. Do we have guardians as well?" Ryujin added.
Beauty, Minmin, and Miho just smile. 
"Enlighten us," Jin said, as everyone was still confused about the guardian thing. 
"Let me tell you a story then." Beauty said. 
All their attention is on Hye Kyo, as her wolf started with her story.

"Years ago, there's this girl. A very special girl; she has four guardians, but for her, they are her best friends. They treat each other like sisters, although this girl is so precious and powerful, yet she's very kind and warm-hearted." Beauty started.
"One day her guardians found their mates, but some goddess asked them to reject their mates as it was their duty to protect the said girl. But this powerful girl didn't agree to that; she then freed her four guardians and just lived a happy life with their mates and built a family of their own." Minmin added. 
"The four guardians are very thankful to the girl, but before she freed them, she made sure to erase all their humans' memories of them being her guardians, but their wolves memories remained. The girl and the guardians wolves continue to communicate each passing day." Miho said.
"Few years had passed since her guardians started to build their own family. The girl, on the other hand, fell in love with a wolf, a true blood omega. They were so happy, and she even got pregnant; however, her family didn't like the omega for their child as the girl was already fated to be with someone who's as powerful as her. They didn't accept her unborn child as well." Minmin continued. 

"And one day one of her guardians had an accident, and the doctor said that she would not be able to carry a child again. Although her guardian is already blessed with two beautiful kids, she wanted to have a child with the same rank as her." Miho said, looking at Jin and Jisoo.
"That guardian cried and was heartbroken, but the love of her mate was so strong that he did everything for her. Luckily, their prayers and cries were heard, and gave them another baby. A true blood omega." Beauty said. 
"This story is so familiar," Jin said, trying to remember something. 
The three just smiled and continued. 
"The powerful girl transferred her unborn baby to her guardian, as she knows that she will love and take care of her baby. She even made her four best friends be the baby's guardian instead of her. Although the four didn't know about that, their wolves already do." Miho said. 
"Where's the baby? And the four guardians?" Jisoo asked. 

The three looked at each other. Minmin just nodded, and Beauty began to speak again. 
"The four guardians are me, Minmin, Miho, and Dyang. Unfortunately, Yea Ji left us already." Beauty said with a sad expression on her face.
"Wait, I thought you're Taehyung's guardian—OH MY GOD!!!" Jin got cut off by his own when he realized that Taehyung was the baby they were talking about. 
Everyone's eyes widen when they also realize that the story is Taehyung's. But still, they got confused about why he has guardians and who's the girl they've been talking about. 
"Yes, the baby is you, dear." Minmin said as she smiled at Taehyung, who just looked at them in disbelief.
"But you still haven't answered our question about why he needed guardians. And who's the girl you're talking about, mom?" Jimin asked. 
"Every goddess has their own guardians to protect them, and as for Taehyung, we are chosen to keep him safe as he is....."

"Selene's son. Moon goddess's son." 



I have no intentions to change the story of any Greek mythology gods and goddesses. The story of Selene in this chapter and the following chapters is intended for this book alone. 

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