72. I am home

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The next day, Taehyung woke up naked and nestled closer to his mate. A beautiful smile appeared on his lips as he looked up and stared at his still-sleeping alpha, admiring the masterpiece right in front of him.

"I know I'm handsome, but don't be too whipped, love. That's my job," Jungkook said, keeping his eyes closed. Taehyung rolled his eyes and kissed Jungkook's lips anyhow.
Taehyung was about to pull away, but Jungkook quickly placed his hands behind Taehyung's head to still his omega and deepen the kiss.

They kissed each other's lips until they realized they needed to breathe. Jungkook cupped his mate's face, his thumb caressing the omega's soft, fluffy cheek, and looked at Taehyung with emotion in his eyes.
"I don't know what to do if I lose you and our babies, my love." Jungkook said softly, making Taehyung's heart ache.

"I'm sorry, love. I promise it won't happen again." Taehyung said.
"No. I promise I will not allow anyone to hurt you again. Even if you're the strongest omega alive, I'll still protect you until my last breath." Jungkook responded.
"Love, we're immortal, remember?" Taehyung asked, causing Jungkook's eyes to widen.
"Yeah!! About that, what do you mean Bogum is your father?" Jungkook asked as he sat up and looked at his mate.

"I'll spill the tea when everyone's around. And how did you find me? I was so scared." Taehyung asked, still lying on the bed.
Jungkook then laid back by his friend's side, cuddling him once more.
"I'm sorry, love. But you're so brave! And about that, we'll tell you when you tell us about Bogum." Jungkook answered, winking at him.
"Whatever you say," Taehyung responded.
"So, what do you want to do today?" Jungkook inquired, patting Taehyung's three-month-old baby bump.

"I want to spend time with everyone," Taehyung stated."As you wish, my love," Jungkook said as he peppered Taehyung's face.

"Let's go take a shower then," Jungkook added as he stood up naked and walked to Taehyung's side to help him because his tummy was growing as he was carrying two pups.

Taehyung was ready to stand up when he suddenly felt discomfort.

"OUCH!!" Taehyung nearly yelled, causing Jungkook to rush to help his mate.

"What happened, my love?" Jungkook asked, worriedly gently rubbing Taehyung's baby bump.

"I think you should rub my ass instead! How many times did we make love last night???" Taehyung questioned, making Jungkook chuckle.

"I'm sorry, love. I wasn't able to control myself. I was worried for the past few days, I missed you, I'm happy that you're back, and most of all, I love you so much." Jungkook stated causing the omega to smile.

"You know, there seems to be a problem with my power." Taehyung commented.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook questioned, tilting his head to one side.

"It seems like I can heal anything except the soreness caused by you." Taehyung muttered, rolling his eyes and pouting like a toddler having a tantrum. Jungkook giggled once more as he pecked Taehyung's forehead.

"Maybe your mom, Moon Goddess, doesn't want you to forget how much I love you." Jungkook teased, trying not to coo at his mate's abrupt shift of demeanor. He may be a feisty omega in one minute and a cute baby in the next. 

"Or should I say how much you wrecked me?" Taehyung responded.

"Carry me to the bathroom." Taehyung said as he prepared to be carried by his mate in a bridal way. Of course, Jungkook did not disappoint him as he delicately lifted his adorable omega onto his strong arms.

Taehyung then snapped his finger, and they were suddenly inside the restroom.

"Wow! Teleportation is one hell of a cool power. It's less hassle going somewhere you want." Jungkook stated as he lowered Taehyung into the bathtub and opened the faucet to fill it with warm water.

When the water began to fill the bathtub, Jungkook joined Taehyung inside. The two spent half an hour in their morning bath enjoying each other's company, laughing, talking about random things, making out, and teasing each other. Jungkook dried Taehyung's body after the bath before carrying him again in a bridal way.

"Off to the walk-in closet," Taehyung ordered, snapping his finger once more, and the two arrived at the walk-in closet as quick as lightning.

The alpha assisted his omega in dressing before putting on his gray sweatpants and white shirt. After the two had done dressing, Jungkook carried Taehyung again, but this time like a clingy koala.

"Off to the dining room, my love." Jungkook said, expecting his mate to snap his finger, but he didn't.

"You do it, love." Taehyung said.

"I wish I could." Jungkook responded.

Taehyung stared at his alpha's bambi eyes before saying,

"You can do it, love. Just focus on where you want to go and snap your fingers." Jungkook sighed, but did what Taehyung said nevertheless.

He closed his eyes and pictured the dining area of their pack's mansion. He snapped his fingers after he had a clear mental image of the location. A few seconds passed, and he didn't want to open his eyes because he couldn't hear anything from anyone. Jungkook sighed, a little disappointed, and Taehyung said nothing until...

"The fuck are you two doing there? You just appeared out of nowhere, and what now what? Stand there till what time?" Yoongi asked with a scowl.

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock. His lips curled into a big smile, revealing his bunny teeth, and his eyes nearly closed from beaming.

"I did it, love!" Jungkook exclaimed and pecked Taehyung's lips.

"You did what? Sore my little baby yet again?" Jin stated, causing everyone to chuckle.

"You did great, bunny wolf." Taehyung responded, giggling.

"Bunny?! I'm a true blood alpha wolf," Jungkook responded with a smug smirk, unaware that he appeared to be an adorable little boy showing off his Spider-Man hero outfit to his friends. Everyone giggled at Jungkook's adorable look, including his parents.

"Okay, little Alpha, take a seat. Your mate needs to eat," Hye Kyo stated, making Jungkook grumble but follow his mom's instructions.

He carefully set Taehyung near his brother before sitting close to his mate. Hye Kyo, Jong Suk, Minyoung, Seo Joon, Woo Bin, Min Ah, and Bogum sat on the opposite table, while the younger wolves sat at a long table, already eating breakfast.

"Hi dad."" Taehyung said, staring at Bogum nervously because he isn't used to addressing anyone dad other than Seo Joon.

"Hi son, I see you had a tiring night last night," Bogum teased his son, making everyone laugh at Taehyung's flushed face and pouty lips.

"By the way, is he really your father?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung just nodded before adding a few words.

"I'll tell you all later," Taehyung stated, earning a nod from his friends. The grown-up wolves and Woo Bin already know about Bogum's story, as the man already told them about it when they arrived at the mansion from the war last night.

Everyone then enjoyed their breakfast with laughter, teasing each other from time to time and laughing at Jimin and Yoongi, who'd been bickering every minute.

Taehyung, on the other hand, just looks at his family, yes, he considers his friends as his family as well. He continued to watch them with love and adoration in his eyes and a satisfied smile on his face.

"I am home."


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