60. Gender

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A few weeks after the revelation, everyone has been overly protected over Taehyung,of course, especially Jungkook. Jong Suk and Seo Joon have been looking for Joy and Irene; however, luck is not on their side, and they couldn't find the two. In addition to their dismay, they still don't know who's their enemy, aside from the fact that he or she is a sorcerer. The future head alpha was also with Taehyung 24/7, and he's also making sure to accompany him with his every checkup.

Taehyung and Jungkook, on the other hand, have been trying to unleash the power they have. Jungkook found out that he could protect Taehyung by moving objects. One time, Ryujin and Hobi were fighting in the playroom, where all the younger wolves were staying as well. Ryujin threw a PS5 controller over Hoseok, which he luckily dodged, but Taehyung was sitting behind him. The controller was about to hit Taehyung on his tummy, but Jungkook yelled. His mind wanted to stop the object from hitting his precious omega, so the object stopped right before it hit Taehyung, and as Jungkook moved his eyes to the right, the object moved as well and dropped on the floor. He then ran immediately to his mate. Everyone was so amazed and tried it again, so Sehun tried to throw a pillow to Taehyung, but the object just stopped mid-air and hit Sehun's face instead.

They were so happy to finally find one of their powers; however, Minah reminded them that sorcerers can also do the same. 
It was a beautiful Monday when Jungkook and Taehyung drove back to the hospital for Taehyung's checkup. 
"Hi Minjae," Taehyung greeted the nurse with a smile on his face, making Jungkook jealous, as always. 
"Goodmorning, Tae, and goodmorning, Alpha," Minjae responded as he bowed his head. 
"Is Dr. Park already inside?" Jungkook asked. 

"Yes, Alpha, but he's still got a patient inside. I'll be needing to get Taehyung's blood pressure and weight first," Jungkook nodded as he assisted his mate to the weighing scale. After that, Minjae took the omega's blood pressure as well, then led them to the chair just outside Bogum's office. 
Minjae then knocked on the door, gave him Taehyung's record, and informed him that the couple was already outside. 
After a couple of minutes, Bogum's patient went out, and he called the two to get inside. Jungkook and Taehyung sat across Bogum, where the doctor was already checking Taehyung's record.
"How are you feeling, Taehyung? Any pain or discomfort?" Bogum asked with a huge smile on his face.

"I'm feeling just perfectly fine. Although I was wondering when we'll be able to feel their kicks," Taehyung asked, making Jungkook smile because he's also excited to feel their pups.
"Well, it's your second month, so anytime soon you'll be able to feel them kick. It's exciting to experience the pregnancy journey, right?" Bogum asked.
"It is. Although it's hard carrying a twin, thanks to my mate, he's always there to assist me," Taehyung said, smiling sweetly at his alpha. Jungkook, on the other hand, felt proud that he's a big help to his pregnant omega. 
"That's good to hear. Anyway, do you still have the vitamins I gave you?" Bogum asked. 
"When will we be able to know their genders?" Jungkook asked. 

"Oh yeah. Can we see it now since I'm in my 2nd month? He's been stressing. He renovated the room next to us for the babies, but we can't buy stuff since we don't know the gender yet," Taehyung said, with a giggle as he remembered one time Jungkook was so frustrated because he couldn't finish the nursery room since he didn't know their baby's gender yet.
"Well, since it's been 2 months already, we can go ahead and check your pup's gender," Bogum said, smiling at the couple.
"I'll just ask Minjae to prepare the room," Bogum added as he called Minjae through the phone. In a couple of minutes, Minjae knocked and entered the room, then immediately walked to the connected room to prepare the equipment Bogum was going to use to see the pups' gender.
Minutes later, Minjae heads out of the room to inform them. He stayed with them as he needed to assist the doctor throughout the ultrasound.

Taehyung lay on the hospital bed, of course, with the help of his mate. Bogum then raised the omega's oversized shirt, exposing his baby bump. Jungkook poked his inner cheek, as he's not comfortable with others seeing his mate's bare abdomen.
"I'll need to lubricate your tummy so that the equipment can glide easily," Bogum said before he squirted a cold liquid on top of Taehyung's tummy. The omega gasped when he felt the cold liquid on his skin. Meanwhile, Jungkook couldn't help but grumble a little, making his mate giggle. 
"Calm down, love. I didn't get hurt; it's just cold," Taehyung said, assuring his alpha that he's okay.
Bogum then started to glide the equipment on Taehyung's lubricated tummy while looking at the screen in front of them. Minjae was just standing on the side, waiting for Bogum's command. 
Bogum started smiling when he found the twins genitals. 
"Your pups are healthy," Bogum said, causing the two to smile as Jungkook caressed the omega's hand.

"So this not-so-little one is a baby boy. He's quite big. I think you should eat less sweets, Tae. It will make the babies bigger," Bogum said. 
Jungkook was happy because he really wanted to have a baby boy, and he's hoping that the boy will be of the same rank as him.
Jungkook was distracted by his own thoughts when Bogum continued to talk. 
"And this little one here is a girl," Bogum said, still looking at the screen. 
The two were very happy, they will be having twins, and it's a boy and a girl. They are very satisfied with the blessings they received. The euphoric feeling of having a pup was too much in a good way, what more after hearing they will have a boy and a girl? It's like they already won the lottery they didn't even bet.

Jungkook assisted Taehyung to sit up and carry him down the bed. Minjae immediately printed the fetal ultrasound, while Jungkook, Taehyung, and Bogum went back to the doctor's table. 
"How do you feel about the baby's gender?" Bogum said, smiling sweetly. 
"I'm very content with their genders. I'm so excited to meet them," Taehyung answered, showing off his boxy smile.
"I'm sure everyone's excited to meet them."
"Who wouldn't?" Jungkook responded as he caressed Taehyung's baby bump. 
"So that's the only thing we can see right now. Their rank, you will know that the day the twins were born," Bogum said, but little did he know, the two already knew what rank they were having. It's just that they don't know which of them is a true blood alpha and a true blood omega.

"Congratulations, Tae, Alpha," Minjae said as he handed them the printed copy of the ultrasound before he bowed and headed out of the room. 
"We should get going then," Taehyung said. 
"Sure. I'll see you after a couple of weeks. Take care of yourself and your babies," Bogum said, smiling sweetly. 
The two stood up and headed out of the hospital to share the good news with their family and friends, leaving the smirking and satisfied boy inside the hospital.

"Your ring wasn't able to conceal how addictive your scent is, my little one." 

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