Chapter 60

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In the white convertible as I drove, the endless wind sent shivers to my interiors as my white shirt was still half soaked

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In the white convertible as I drove, the endless wind sent shivers to my interiors as my white shirt was still half soaked. Dark filmed sunglasses checked my appearance in the looking mirror as I quickly fixed it, dashing a cigarette in the corner of my mouth. Using my hand, I tried to shove back all the unmanageable hair on my forehead and possibly some memories from earlier this day but the scars went already too deep. My palms gripped the steering wheel as the repetitive reminder of losing someone in the hands of death again and again came back to disturb me.

It was not supposed to affect me this much. She was not supposed to affect me this much. Guess, I could not just afford tattooing someone else's death on my forehead once again and hence, the fear and restlessness was justified. My left arm moved from the steering to rub my nape in frustration. But if she died, she would have died just because of a mere accident. I had nothing to do with it, right? How come I would responsible for the same? I bit the skin of my index finger, pressing hard on the accelerator because a large part of me screamed that maybe I was responsible for everything that ever happened to her.

Damn, Nandini Murthy. Why couldn't you keep things simple between us? I have a movie to shoot and a goddamn stage show to rehearse and here I am running away from all of my reality because you have grown dominant in it. Why couldn't you just remain that simple stupid girl who I made pick the shattered glass pieces up and boasted at my sadism? Why couldn't you remain another of my play-toys? Why couldn't you just remain that simple South Indian crazy fan who caught my eye for a second and who I left behind in Chandigarh. Why did you have to become animate and shake the very institution of my beliefs? Why? Could you tell me why?


Physical death never felt that close. There came a time when I gave up all my struggles to get out of the water and take a clean breath. It was horrifying and at the same time, satisfying to know and learn that I was to away for good. Air bubbles diminished in numbers as the breath iced in my mouth. I was floating deeper and deeper into the darkness, senses - mostly gone when I witnessed a faint ray of life, like a firefly swimming in my direction and what happened next was not known. All I know is that I met that firefly right in the middle of both the worlds where silence did the most of the talking.

"But you don't remember the face." A voice, a thunder, brought me back to reality and when I opened my eyes, I found myself staring in my floating, lavender dress at the pier with Abhimanyu by my side.

It had been two days since the incident of my survival which itself became some sort of talk of the crew but my head was somewhat yet quite foggy. Softly, I shook my head. "I don't remember who saved me."

"Don't you?" He asked again, staring.

"I mean, yeah." I nodded hesitantly. "Everyone told me it's Aryaman."

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