Chapter 57

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She swayed her hips to the music under the red light, letting the bass flow through her body. As her eyes locked with mine, I knew she twirled only and only for me. I knew she dreamed if I could touch her, the way her hips bucked the cool metal pole and revealed the dark, chiffon thong she was wearing. One after another button she freed of her white see-through shirt and rolled her hips, swinging upside down from the pole as she let go of that decent piece of cloth.

Sweet Marilyn was the crème de la crème when it came to strip clubs in Melbourne. It was a getaway place for all the elite and be-rolling-on-cash men. When I was a little boy visiting this city with my parents, one night I just sneaked out playing a trick on my governess just to find out where could my father go every night of our trip. Creeping in the trunk of his favourite 70s car, I found myself in the basement parking of this Sweet Marilyn.

Sweating and tumbling at the shocking and disgraceful glimpses at scarlet women and the dishonourable way they dressed, I prayed to God I never should have been there. I just wanted to find out which friend did my father come to meet every night but pushing the heavy door, I immediately covered my ears at the high basses and my eyes burnt at the iniquitous games the women were playing. My stomach flipped upside down and I wanted to throw up and even if I did, no one around would notice because they all were lost in their own sick paradises. That night I discovered, it was no friend that my father needed to help but it was a plain, simple lie. He had been lying to us through his teeth night after night. A million theories ran through my little head but none was convincing enough when I saw my respected father lock his lips and ran his hands on every inch of body of a stripper who cared for nothing but his money.

My spine straightened when a young lady with a cigarette at the corner of her sinful red lips, placed her hand on my timid shoulder and ran her long nail down my arm. I stood there as solid as a statue hoping she would stop touching me right then and noticing the fear and awkwardness in me, she let out a devilish laughter. Freed, I ran away at the speed of lightning, and sure threw up at the corner of the street. I hated the place with every ounce of my being and promised myself to never ever return. That was my first encounter with sex, hookers and Sweet Marilyn.

Twenty years later, I am sitting in the same club with the same lust in my eyes that I hated in my father's. Whenever I would come to Melbourne, I must definitely visit the place. In the beginning, just to remind myself how much I hated my father and then, I slowly and steadily fell in love with women.

Tonight was a must, not only because I needed to hate my father or love these women but because I had a specific someone to get off my mind and what better way could there be than an unplanned sex? Yes, that's what I thought. Having a different, a better lady, even though of questionable character, would make all those occupying thoughts about her that began to eat me alive, disappear.

This slow grinding rock music was what I needed to stop thinking about her. These almost-naked women were what I needed to block her in my mind. The one, rolling her body smooth as a butter on the pole was the one, out of place. Unlike others, she wasn't a bleach blonde or had huge fake tits and a single peek at her could make anyone's cock twitch but oddly, I still wasn't charmed enough.

With slow preying steps, carrying a tall glass of martini, she sat on my lap. I kept telling myself that this was what I needed.

"Hi, I'm Rose." She whispered softly in my ear followed by a softer moan.

For a fact, I knew these ladies never revealed their real names but who cares? Receiving the glass from her, I took a sip not breaking the eye-lock. "Hi, Rose."

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