Chapter 20

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MANIK, a world within a word.

In the backseat of the car, he held my hand authoritatively and my heart felt home. Pouring some liquid antiseptic on a cotton ball as he was about to dab it on my wound, I withdrew my hand.

"Sir it's-it's okay." I murmured.

He sighed in dissatisfaction.

"You don't want me to do it?" He enquired while I kept looking at the mat beneath my feet sticking to my bizarre.

"You're my boss." I stated in a whisper.

"Alright, you do it." He directed his chauffeur to park the car at one side and aid me.

Huh? No!

"No! Uhh...sir what I meant is, since you're my boss you've the preference of aiding me before anyone else." I declared not comprehending if that changed his mind.

"Are you sure? He can do it, you know." He asked innocently while I insanely nodded a no.

A mischievous smile played at the corner of his lips which he did his best to abate.

Without him asking for another time, I extended my hand towards him and the moment he held it, I felt like a dead leaf carried aimlessly by the wind in a stormy night not wanting to imagine how badly I could fall if the storm stopped.

The antiseptic caused a little burning sensation and as a result I closed my palm with his fingers imprisoned in my grip.

Like a blooming flower, he unfolded my fist releasing him from my capture and blowing some air to the wound, he medicated the bruise.

"Don't you work in the office hours or what? Because I see you only working till late." He glanced up at me while tying the crepe bandage around but a lot of me was already lost in him without batting my lashes.

I was lost into those eyes like a lost star wandering in a solar system. He rested my hand on my lap and looked away into the fast city passing by.

"Why did you trust me?" I asked staying in my trance.

Looking at my direction, he studied me like he could read all my unwritten emotions.

"Trust is a dangerous game. And who said I trusted you? I believed you. There's a difference." And the dead leaf fell hard on the street as the storm stopped being bitten by reality all over again.

"Oh, I...understand." I sighed.

It was after ten minutes that the car halted outside my apartment. Mouthing a feeble thank you, I stepped down the car while Manik was too engrossed in his chat to acknowledge it.

How I wish sometimes he could spare some words!

As I looked at my apartment, last night's episode became lucid. How ironic that my own place felt unsafe.

"Sir?" I turned on my toes.

He switched the glass down massaging the back of his neck.

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