Chapter 28

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"Miss.Nandini, what made you take such a giant step against the industry mogul's confidant?"

"Is any personal coldness between Mr.Dhawan and you has made you defame him and his brother?"

I kept my head low not wanting the cameras to flash on my face while pushing my way inside the Magistrate's Court fighting the throng of media. They kept throwing one after another sharp questions at me and my silence enraged the edge of their questions all the more because come what may, they wanted a story out of me which I wasn't providing.

"Is this to draw any sort limelight or to equalise a wrangle?"

"Listen you people just....." I pressed Randhir's hand begging not to lose his calmness.

That was what they wanted out of us, to lose it and create a mess. All of my answers were for the person actually concerned with the matter and the Magistrate and not for popping in as a breaking news on articles and magazines. Sighing under his breath, Randhir caught my hand in his while his other arm wrapped my shoulder to keep me safe from the immense pressure.

The flood of the media and journalists in a jiffy stopped bothering us as a shiny car made its entrance like a boss and in little I did realise it actually was my boss stepping out of it in a white Gucci suit and dark sunglasses. Manik, who seemed extremely displeased to have found media messing nearby tried his best to not break one or two cameras there but the improper and unclear questions reached the highest floating cloud as the media found Manik to be accompanied by Cabir. Enquiries and disputing interrogations gave rise to a solid pandemonium. His bodyguards shoved the crowd to keep the men in the middle safe not paying any heed to whether the journalist was of feminine or masculine gender.

With the way Manik's flaming face pierced Cabir, I could say even with my eyes closed that he didn't come there out of his own will. His eyes wandered in a quick manner amongst the bunches of heads until the time they settled on me. As a mark of courtesy, I faintly nodded my head to him which he returned with a humble blink through the dark glasses hiding the truth in his eyes.

"Manik Sir, isn't it pretty clear that you have clearly chosen your side before the battle begun giving a rest to all the doubts?"

I halted my slow legs as even I wanted him to answer to this question, maybe 'cause I needed it for the sake of my self-esteem. Cabir's eyes found me in the crowd and they threatened to rip all the cells of my body apart. Literally.

"My coming here with Cabir doesn't symbolise anything. Especially not that I am bias or anything. My friend wanted me to be here as a support and here I am." He replied sternly.

"Does that mean your friend may or may not have your support till the end?" The guy with the big specs quizzed adjusting his big glasses.

"I am with the truth. If Cabir is correct, no doubt, he'll have me beside him but if it turns out his opponent is true, then I won't take a second to give my full support to the lady standing in a maroon skirt." All the heads turned to me and Cabir's face just.. dropped.

"Let's just go" I gave in Randhir's insistence but couldn't perceive the look on Manik's face when he saw Randhir beside me in the mayhem. It wasn't of anger or frustration but he simply seemed to have been taken aback as if someone from the outer space jumped right before him.


Inside the Courtroom drama, I thought with each razor-sharp interrogation the case was straightening out until the drastic swivel took place. My head literally was swimming when Maddy's attorney introduced two skinny girls as prime witnesses in their favour because truly speaking, there wasn't any other living being in surrounding when that misfortune took place, not at least within my visual perception. They claimed to be partying with Maddy that whole of night and proferred the register of that nightclub which corroborated that Cabir's brother didn't step out of the nightclub even for a split second.

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