Chapter 13

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Worst nightmares can also happen with your eyes open

Frozen, I stood there for quite some time seeing the shadow intact but I needed to do something other than stand rooted to my ground. Pacing forward, just as I switched the light on, he was gone. The shadow was gone and so was my terror.

Exhaling a breath of gratitude, I placed the bag full of food on the dining table and started tying my hair up in a bun when suddenly the power went off.

"Tsk! Now they won't even turn on the generator easily without a thousand times' request!" Pulling a few drawers, I began searching a candle but I felt something move swiftly by my side.

"What was that?" I narrowed by vision going few steps that side until the wind started knocking the windows in the quiet living room.

"Fuck!" I dropped the matches putting hand on my chest. "Is this apartment haunted or something?" I spoke to myself lighting the candle when again the matchsticks scattered on the floor.

Kneeling down to pick one up, my eyes fell on the tall shadow standing ahead of me and the blood in my veins iced. Murmuring prayers, as I looked up frightened, there was no on le standing on my head and rechecking, I found the shadow to be vanished.

Sighing, "This monster Manik has gone into my head now. He's terror is playing with me now. Stupid."

Lighting a candle, I turned my black room orangish and though the illumination wasn't anything great but good enough to see anything on which I could possibly stumble upon. My shadow fell on the floor as I walker until my feet stopped when there was another shadow passing behind me. Goosebumps formed on my skin under my dress.

"W-who's there?" Gulping hard, I picked up a little stick as my shield but it swiftly dropped from my hand as my mouth made one piercing shriek because somebody just now pushed my body against the wall.

It was not my mind playing with me anymore. Who could that be? A rapist? A murderer? A thief?

When I tried turning around, my back pressed against someone's hard chest who pushed my face more into the wall. My breaths not only became short but also faded as I didn't care to wince even though the molten wax of the candle was falling on my skin.

Then I felt a smirk formed on my nape and blood curdled inside my body because I thought I knew who that could be.

"Cinderella, won't you welcome your monster?" That voice. That bloody voice was worse than the rapist, the murderer or the thief. I could be anywhere but not there.

The hitched breaths of mine was filling up the room as he buried his chest more into my back pushing my face more into the wall hurting my nose. My hands were tied to my back by two super muscular rough palms.

I was drenched in the pool of sweat and tears and breathing normally was a long forgotten story.

"M-Ma..Manik?" I secretly prayed that intruder to not be the tall frame I was dying not to face as the presence of any other culprit seemed safer than him.

"Bullseye!" I received a husky whisper from some velvety lips on my ears and my body quivered in apprehension.

"Monster Manik." He chuckled in a whisper with so much pride in it.

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