Bucket List

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Hailee sank down further into her chair as she saw the eyes of the only girl she couldn't stop thinking about for the past few weeks stare right back. She didn't know how it was possible. This girl was everywhere and for a moment Hailee swore she was dreaming. She had to be, right?

"Mrs. Y/Ln, I know I already introduced you, but would you like to tell the class a few things about yourself?" The teacher said, stuttering his words, almost nervous. Hailee shook her head at how an older teacher was getting nervous around a teenage girl.

Still y/n didn't say anything, just continued to stare at Hailee. Then she took a breath, breaking the stare almost like she was snapped out of whatever trance she was in. She had that million dollar smile that hailee knew could charm anyone.

"I'm Y/n Y/Ln. Things I like and things I hate... I don't feel like telling you that. Mainly because I feel like you all seen my interviews so you might know more about me than me. My dreams for the future... never really thought about it especially cause I was a celebrity before I knew what one was. As for my hobbies... I have lots of hobbies" Y/n smiled widely.

Chattering filled the room, as y/n brought her gaze back to the brunette at the far back corner of the room. Hailee felt the stares and was trying hard to avoid them, looking out the window.

"Now y/n about your seat."

"Excuse me but can I sit... there" Y/n said pointing at the empty seat next to Hailee. She gave the girl a soft smile, trying to seem friendly, but Hailee was trying to see right through her. Trying to see any type of motive, a prank, or something.

"Her? Why do you wanna sit next to that dork, She's a total loser." One of the jocks snorted a laughed, standing up and picking up the boy next to him by the back of his shirt. "Leave" He said to him, nodding his head towards Hailee's direction. "This seat is free for you" He said kindly, and nervously.

"Thanks but no thanks, I want that one" Y/n smiled at the guy before walking towards the seat. "Excuse me, but this seat isn't taken... is it?" Y/n asked sweetly and Hailee swore she lost her last 3 brain cells.

She shook her head no and Y/n pulled the chair back and took a seat.

Hailee looked around the classroom, watching as every one was now looking at the two of them. She gulped and looked right next to her, watching as y/n placed her navy blue backpack on the table and pulled out a notebook and a black pen. Then y/n spun the pen around her fingers a few times before looking up. Again y/n didn't pay attention to the other student's stares.

The thought in Hailee's mind started gathering, butting up against the caution tape surrounding her brain, strategizing and preparing to rush in and take over. She held them off, telling herself all the right things, repeating the mantras, taking deep breaths, counting slowly.

One, breathe.

Two, breathe.

Three, breathe.

It wasn't working. Hailee felt her face was getting hotter and her hands clammy and her breathing feeling shallow and she needed to get out of there, fast. She hated the many eyes that were now daggers, looking at her.

"Teacher can we get into the lesson, I would appreciated it if the class would stop staring" Y/n said in a firm yet polite voice.

"Oh yes of course" The professor cleared his throat. "Okay class pay attention we have a project that will be worth 200 points." He said and the class groaned.

Hailee let out a sigh of relief when she saw the students finally look towards the front of the class.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that" Y/n said with a soft laugh, her eyes never once leaving the front of the class; writing down whatever it was the teacher was putting on the board.

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