Somebody Set The Truth On Fire

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Y/n was never cold under her hoodies. But something about the interrogation room made the young celebrity shiver. While she had never been in an actual police station or being interrogated, she had certainly played detectives and criminals in various shows. But today she didn't feel like acting. She didn't feel like being strong, or putting up a strong front.

Mainly because at the very moment, y/n wasn't scared. She was nonchalant, unbothered by the situation she had found herself in.

"We have all these witnesses. Are you going to continue denying it?" The detective said. He opened his folder, flipping through pages before pulling out a single sheet. "Model Cara Delevingne and movie actor Dave Franco and singer Justin Bieber have testified that they all did drugs with you. The distributor, Allen Walker also stated that from last year till now, he'd had a total of eight transactions with you through the Hollywood club."

y/n couldn't help but laugh, covering her mouth just a bit.

"Also in Mr. Walkers ledger, all the dates and prices of your transactions are all--"

The detective was cut of when y/n could no longer hide her laughter. Bending down and holding her stomach, y/n laughed, gently pressing her forehead onto the table.

"Mrs. Y/Ln what are you doing right now!" the detective shouted, slamming the folder onto the table. The loud bang filled the room echoing, y/n stopped laugh looking up at the man who's face looked like it might melt of from the heated anger.

"It's called laughing" y/n chuckled.

"What are you doing?" her lawyer asked.

"What do you mean? I'm just laughing because its funny. Isn't his facial expression funny? Am I the only one who finds it funny?" Y/n reached over snatched the folder out of the detectives hands.

"What are you doing, give it back" he demanded. Y/n raised a brow, reading the things on the paper.

"What is this? It looks like a dictation." she rolled her eyes. "How embarrassing.. How can you spell "Commit crime" with one 'm'? there are two 'm's.

"Please give It back" the detective shouted, taking the papers back. "This kind of behavior will not be advantageous to you."

"I'm really curious. By any chance, is this some kind of 'hidden camera' joke?" Y/n smiled. Before y/n could say anything else the doors opened. Despite her sharp hearing, she had trouble differentiating the voices that began to speak one after another.

She looked up seeing the blond woman, take a seat in front of her. She wasn't as stand offish as the other people that walked into the room, and she looked much smarter then the detective she was talking to not that long ago.

This was boring.

She began to claw on the table with her finger nail, trying to get the tape that had been stuck on its surface for who knowns how long.

"Gah!" she finally said, tearing herself from the chair and pacing the small room. She pressed her ear against the 2 sided mirror. Nothing. Then she walked towards the door and did the same. But again their was nothing. Surprised, she gentle opened the door but it was quickly closed by the blond woman. Y/n cautiously walked back towards the chair, sitting down.

Panicking she rested her head on the table, shaking her leg trying to play a song in her head, or think about the only person that could calm her. Hailee.

"Y/n, what has gotten into you" the woman softly spoke. She took her seat in front of the young girl, and took her hand, but y/n snatched it away.

"What are you doing here, mom" y/n spoke.

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