The Game

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It was the only sound she heard. The only thing she felt deep in her chest banging violently almost begging to be led out. Her heart has never pumped as fast and as hard as that moment was, y/n could have sworn it would pop out on its own if it could. It was a simple sound, a simple rhythm that flooded every part of her body, rushing to her ears loud and clear. She didn't know what that feeling was.

Y/n wanted to believe it was her adrenaline, her emotions wrapped into not wanting to let go of the only person that brought her peace and comfort from the moment she laid her eyes on her. The emotions of fear that everything she ever wanted, ever dreamt would come crashing down because she couldn't hold on long enough to express herself.

She wanted to laugh. Laugh that a cliche she had acted out time and time again; in movies and tv shows, finally making an appearance in her life. The cliche of losing someone because 'Someone' wanted to pull them apart. Y/n, thought that it was comical at best that everything was crashing down the moment she finally accepted her fate. Her feelings for the only girl that made her feel something more.

Even now, feeling the world turn slowly, her movements, thoughts, words; everything felt slow motion that it was starting to get overwhelming.

Y/n's eyes kept locked onto Hailee who also refused to turn away.

"Believe me" Y/n whispered once more. Her words barley audible but y/n knew she said it loud enough for Hailee to hear. Y/n wiped Hailee's hair that had blown to her face away and tucked it behind her ears.

Hailee placed her hands on y/n's and took a gentle hold of them, bringing them down. Y/n's hands were warm unlike Hailee's who's fingers were starting to get cold. Y/n held them together in hopes of warming them up.

"Why should I believe you?" Hailee said.

"Why would I lie to you?" Y/n answered.

"Don't... answer the question with another question"

"Different question, same answer."

"..." Hailee stayed silent waiting for the answer from the older girl. Y/n knew she couldn't argue.

"Seriously" y/n let out a soft sigh. "Do you not listen to me when I speak?" She answer shakily, her lips quirking up. "I love you. I... I want you,"

Hailee removed her hand away from y/n's hold. The warmth she once felt in her hands was now replaced by the cold November wind. "You destroy me and then you kiss me. You give me a reason to hate you and then you give me a reason to love you. Is this a lie or the truth? Is this a ploy or your heart reaching for me?" Hailee sighed, lowering her head.

Reaching a finger to Hailee's chin, y/n gently picked it up making the young girl look into her bright eyes.

"Look at me and listen to me only."

Hailee backed away, making her lips into a thin line, turning around before walking a couple of steps.

"Don't go" y/n said. Her hand reflectively reached for Hailee, though y/n stopped herself from grabbing onto the young girl. She didn't want Hailee to go, but y/n knew she could force her to stay either. "Please, don't go Hailee"

Hailee stood there, motionless. She didn't speak. She couldn't look y/n in her eyes. Hailee felt like she really was going crazy. Her mind running a million miles, trying to understand how all of this happened.

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