A Wish A Heart Makes

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Y/n always found it funny how people ask someone 'where they are' as soon as they get to you on the phone. Y/n thought it was a byproduct of cell phones: people, anyone and everyone, especially those who really care about someone--want to nail you down in physical space. The fact is that you can be anywhere on a cell phone and it shouldn't be important where you are. But it becomes the first thing people ask.

That's what her voicemails consisted of. Where you at, who you with, so on and so on it made y/n wonder if they were missing her as a person, or as a celebrity. But she didn't care at the moment. The view from her bench made everything feel like it was all slowly vanishing.

There sitting down on the single bench she looked over the massive ocean, loving how the sun shined on the blue waters making it seem almost as if diamonds covered the sea. Her only thoughts were staying there for the months she had left in her life. At least there it felt like she was alone in a tranquil space. No one around hounding her for autographs or meetings with photoshoots or music videos. There, she was allowed to think.

The night before y/n was sitting up on the bed, her gaze would shift to a sleeping hailee, and back towards a picture of an island shot from above. She noticed a few pieces of hair fell onto the young girl's face and she reached towards her. But y/n stopped half way. Pulling her hand back she went back to her spot, sitting on the side of the bed, almost falling of the edge. Hailee taking up almost the entire bed, and y/n didn't mind one bit.

"You know" Y/n whispered. "I came all this way to take you to the island over there. But I'll go by myself. If I take you along, I feel like I will want to hide you away on the island and not let you go to anyone else. So don't ever appear in front of my eyes. If I see you again, I will just kidnap you." Y/n let out a tiny smile.

Slowly getting up off the bed she grabbed her jacket that was on a chair. Putting it on, she never once took her eyes off the sleeping girl. When y/n finished putting her shoes back on she walked towards the bed once more. Sitting on the edge, Hailee's back was turned towards the older girl.

"Seems like I made a mess of things again. I'm so sorry my love. For everything I put you through. Even now." Y/n said voice soft and even she knew the small hitch in her voice was something she couldn't avoid. Standing up, she kissed the young girl on the side of her temple, letting it linger for just a moment. Then made her way towards the door and out the room.

Now as promised she was on the island, but this time she wasn't alone. When y/n had woken up from a nap she didn't know she was hearing the voice that rang in her ears both gentle and soft made her wonder if she was still asleep.

But when she opened her eyes, hailee was right in front on her. Again y/n wondered if it was that, only a dream. Because there everything would be much simpler. Everything she wished to happen, happened. After all if movies taught her anything, a dream was a wish a heart made. And if her heart wished for hailee, she wished to never wake up from the dream.

"After worrying a person so much, how can you sleep?" Hailee sighed. Hailee reached for y/n's shades gently removing them. Y/n still in shock at who she was seeing. "Are you shooting a film? As if I wouldn't know that you're an actress of some kind" She tossed the glasses back towards the older girl.

Still the celebrity said nothing, lost in the image that was hailee. She watched hailee's lips move, but somehow no words were falling out of her mouth. No sound or anything.

Y/n took a deep breath, slowly standing up. If she did so as fast as she wanted, y/n would fear she would lose balance and her charade of being fine would come to an end.

One, y/n mentally count. She moved past hailee and began to walk away.

Hailee scoffed, rushing towards y/n, grabbing her arm and getting in front of her.

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