Chernobyl In My Head

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Y/n had stopped playing the piano in front of her, and her hands held one another tightly. The shakiness and tense feeling in her left hand was a pain that shot to y/n's spine.

"Im... sorry... I really am sorry" Y/n spoke softly and quietly. She took a couple steps back, then proceeded to walk out the door. Hailee was a little stunned at what just happened, and looking around; others were surprised as well. She heard a few mutters, people talking to one another on how y/n y/Ln was playing the piano then suddenly stopped, maybe because she had more important things to do, or perhaps the piano playing wasn't up to her standers. Others a little upset they didn't get to record or snap a picture of y/n; a rarity. Rolling her eyes at the unnecessary chatter, Hailee walked towards their table, grabbing her stuff and heading off to find y/n.

Scanning the late night, searching for her, Hailee finally spotted the older singer next to her car, squatting down and petting a small cat. By the looks of things, y/n was trying to get the cat to shake her hand. But the cat was to busy looking at the food y/n had given it.

"I didn't know you liked cats. Kinda took you for a dog person" Hailee smiled walking up to the girl. She also squatted down, trying to pet the small creature.

"I am, but this little fella was just chillin under my car. Im not heartless enough to run it over" Y/n simple said. She didn't bother taking her eyes of the small cat. Looking at its black fur, yet bright blue eyes. Its ears pointy and just sitting there, licking its paw then brushing its fur.

"So you're not gonna play the piano anymore?" Hailee asked. Y/n has learned now that Hailee was someone who always said what was on her mind, and didn't sugarcoat anything. Straightforward, and as much as y/n liked that about the young girl, she also knew Hailee had no bounds for personal space. But it still made y/n let out a soft chuckle.

"You know about that?" Y/n continued to smile, petting the cat on its head.

"You had your last concert almost a few months ago. You said you wanted to stick to acting, and then stopped playing music all together. Even when you went live on social media you would do covers or sneak a few verses from you new music. But since then, You simply stopped." Hailee let out another sigh.

"You've done your homework" Another laugh left the older girls lips.

Hailee only rolled her eyes, but didn't admit to y/n being right. She did after all spend all night researching more and more about the celebrity. she also won't admit that with each click of a new page she found more information that pulled her towards y/n even more. So instead she just stated the obvious.

"It's common knowledge. There isn't anyone of our generation who hasn't heard of you, or obsessed over you" Hailee said.

"Except for you apparently." Y/n shook her head, though didn't bother to make any sort of expression.

"Only because I don't hop on the bandwagon. Why did you quit playing anyways?" Hailee asked.

Y/n kept her eyes on the cat, and the cat stared back tilting its head to the side and flicking its ear. 'Why'. Y/n never went into specifics on why she was leaving her music career behind. And all the news articles talking about such a huge career move only stated that y/n simple lost inspiration, and just wanted to focus on one thing at a time. New shows and movies were offering the celebrity big roles and she didn't have time anymore.

But to y/n, the pain her body felt due to her illness was a major set back. Her body just refused to cooperate. But there was something else. Something that hit y/n on a more personal; heart and soul level.

"I can't hear the sounds of music the way I use to" She said. Hailee turned her head towards the girl, a little stunned at what she just heard. "How cliche is that, right?" Y/n looked back at hailee with a soft smile. Hailee stood back up still confused by what y/n had told her. After all, she didn't read anything about y/n being deaf or hard of hearing. Unless it was something happening in that moment. Slowing losing her senses.

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