What A Mess

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"Marry me" Y/n said, finally turning around to face the younger girl.

Two words.

Its was only two words that made hailee's entire world stop spinning for a moment. A momentary feeling overcame her. It wasn't sadness exactly. But it wasn't just nostalgia, either. There was a golden drop of happiness in the feeling, whatever it was, as warming and delightful as sunlight. A memory of old dreams that had worn thin like the comfiest stuff animal one couldn't bear to throw out.


The details had dimmed long ago but the feeling remained: adventure, music, and magic like Cinderella and her night at the ball. When her once ragged dress turned into the most beautiful in all the land. A dream that came back to her almost as a smack to the face. She only ever thought about marriage a few times, but all those times it was when she was a kid. Thinking, wishing to grow up and get married to the love of her life. But that was a dream, and like all dreams she had to wake up to reality. And when she did she never thought about such a thing ever again.

"What you say?" Hailee asked once more, unsure if she heard the right words coming from the older girl.

"Marry me, Hailee." Y/n smiled. That sentence sent shivers down Hailee's spine once more.

"w-what... you're joking" Hailee huffed shaking her head.

"Im not... Professor Maxwell said we have to do a bucket list for our final project. One of the things on my list is getting married." Y/n said dropping her gaze.

"Like a fake wedding? Fake marriage?" Hailee asked raising a brow.

"No, that would be too easy. I'm Y/n Y/Ln remember. I like to go out with a bang. No, a real marriage. With a marriage certificate and everything" Y/n said, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Aren't you a little young to get married?"

"Says the girl who is begging me for money" Y/n narrowed her eyes shaking her head. "Hailee I only have a few things on my bucket list. And I really want to cross them off" Y/n said turning around once more.

Hailee made her lips into a thin line thinking about y/n's words. Why the hell did she want to get married, actually married to someone she hasn't even met fully. A random stranger just like that. There had to be a motive.

But the more Hailee thought about it, the more the pieces started to come together. And that was the closest Hailee has ever came to an epiphany.

If Hailee seriously married y/n she legally shared half of y/ns things. In marriage the phrase what's mine is yours was the glue that held everything together. She could use y/n's money to pay off the stupid loan sharks that kept harassing them because of her idiot parents. She could provide good food for her brother, and get a house instead of living in a crappy rundown apartment in downtown. She wouldn't have to worry about anything in her life anymore. She could even afford to go to college like she always wanted.

But there was one thing that could prevent her from all that. If y/n was as much as she knew she was then it wouldn't be so simple. It wouldn't be that easy to get everything she wanted just by agreeing with something as huge as a marriage.

"Do I have to sign a prenup?" Hailee shouted, trying to catch the older girls attention. Y/n stopped and turned back around. Hailee ran towards her, getting closer to her, their bodies almost pressed together. Hailee needed to hear y/ns words. She needed to know what she was getting herself into. She had to remind herself she was doing this for her and her older brothers sake.

"No prenup" Y/n said.

"Do I have to do anything sexual with you?" Hailee asked.

"Only if you want" Y/n smirked, Hailee glared. "No, you don't" Y/n sighed raising her hands in surrender.

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