Daddy's Girl

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Y/n paced back and forth in her recording studio, tapping her pencil to her head as if to magically put some lyrics or sounds into her brain. She had been cooped up in the fairly large room for a couple of hours now, trying hard to come up with a few songs for her finale album. She wanted this album to be perfect. Leaving behind everything she wanted to say, and sing about. But nothing was coming to mind.

"4 hours and the only word I have is 'The'. Is that the title or the start of the song" y/n sighed crumbling the paper and tossing it into a near by trash.

Y/n needed inspiration now more than ever, and she feared she would never be able to get her album done in time. She went into the large booth and stood there trying to decided if she wanted to use the piano or the guitar. She decided on the latter, grabbing the black matte guitar her father had given to her for her 16th birthday and sat on the piano stool.

"Okay brain, I know you're a little sick but I need you to make words" y/n said and strummed the strings. Y/n couldn't even get to the next cord as her phone began to ring. "Well that didn't take long" y/n reached for her phone that was laying on the piano.

She couldn't help but smile when she saw who exactly was calling. It was like all the stress and doubts she had been feeling before had suddenly disappeared. She was calm and happy, and feeling like she was at peace.

She took in this feeling. There was only one person who ever made her feel that way. And then she compared that feeling to when she was around hailee. It was that same warmness, and peacefulness that she loved so much. But with hailee it was a little different. She liked the warmth hailee brought. The feeling of being herself without putting on a mask wondering if she would like her if she just pretended like she did with everything else.

Loved how it didn't take long for her to drop her walls when hailee was around. Wanting her to be there, even if it was just her presence. Thats why she loved having hailee at her house. Because Hailee never made her feel lonely. With Hailee she felt a sense of belonging that she didn't feel with no one else except for one other person. Her favorite person.

She took a breath and accepted the call, putting it on speaker so she can continue to softly play her music. She knew her dad loved it when she played music for him. He would often just call so y/n could sing him a song or play a random instrument. Unlike her mom, y/n's dad Elijah loved her music.

"Hi dad" y/n happy said, softly plucking the strings of her guitar.

"Hello love, how are you doing?" he asked, his voice a little concerned.

"Everything is good, why you ask?" y/n said.

"If thats true then open the door"

y/n looked up and then she heard a knock at the door. She narrowed her eyes before standing up. The call ended when y/n unlocked the door. Once her eyes saw her father standing right in front of her she suddenly jumped into his arms.

Elijah didn't hesitate to hug his daughter tightly, picking her up. Y/n squealed feeling her ribs cracking with the tightness of the hold.

"Dad, I need to breath" y/n laughed.

"Sorry, dear" he chuckled setting y/n down. Y/n stepped back and gestured her dad to enter. He smiled kissing y/n on the top of her head before walking in. He looked all around, and noticed the many paper balls by the overfilled trash bin. He then showed y/n the plastic bag in hand, filled with food. "Have you had dinner yet?"

"Not that I don't love your surprise visits but what are you doing here" y/n asked clinging to her dads arm and dragging him into the booth. She sat her dad down then walked back to the sound room, only to return seconds later with another chair. Y/n being to lazy to walk it back into the booth only wheeled herself in it. Elijah laughed, happy to see her daughter being in a goofy mood.

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