Let's Hurt Tonight

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After everything that happened in the span of the day, everything was already crumbling apart, and Hailee didn't know how to fix it. She was lost, and now despite her mother and her father-in-law there with her at her house, she never felt more alone.

"I don't want y/n to leave me" Hailee said, her voice suddenly strong and filled with a thickness that felt like it was choking her. She kept her eyes firmly on the coffee table, her thumbnail scraping the painting away. "Why did this have to happen?"

Elijah ran his hand through his hair, licking his lips trying to get rid of the dryness. He didn't know what to say, because he too was asking the same questions.

"Y/n isn't a druggy. Besides alcohol y/n never had any other problems. So why are they going after her for nothing" Hailee swallowed, still not meeting his eyes. Then she swallowed again.

"I don't know but y/n has the best lawyers in California. Everything will be okay. But that's not what worries me everyone now knows y/n has cancer"

"Can we talk about it more when y/n comes home. When she gets better"

Elijah slowly sat back in his chair. "Of course, we can bud. That's exactly what we'll do"

Hailee looked at him again. "She's strong. I know she'll be okay"

Elijah simply nodded and took a drink long enough to drain the whole glass. He set it down with a small gasp, then he gave Hailee a quizzical look. "Have you eaten at all today?"

Hailee only shook her head. Griffin has explained to Elijah how he rushed to the house when he heard the news and they both talked and where there for each other, trying to process everything that was happening. He didn't remember what time he had shown up, but he knew from the clean kitchen and Hailee on the floor of the living room that she hadn't moved at all since.

"Y/n should be home in a bit. How about we get something to eat" Elijah said, patting griffin on his arm.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Let's grab some take out for Hailee and y/n. Those two need to eat, and knowing them, they won't touch their food unless they are by each other" griffin agreed. "They need each other, now more than ever" he gave a small smile.

He walked towards Hailee kissing her on top of her head, as Elijah did the same. The young girl didn't move. The two men, walked out of the living room and once Hailee heard the door closing, she finally broke.

The house was quiet when snapped out of her trance. She was alone. She slumped on the expensive couch again, listening to it creak as she fell back into it. It was such a satisfying sound that she got up and slumped back down into it again. Then she got back up and jumped on it, the wooden legs moaning as they scraped a few inches across the floor, leaving four identical scratches on the hardwood.

She smiled to herself. That felt good. She thought to herself.

She jumped off and gave the couch a kick to push it back even further. She was barely aware that she was breathing heavily. Her head felt hot, almost like she had a fever. She raised a foot to kick the couch again. The she saw her trophy case.

Y/n's precious trophies were organized in a glass case almost as if it created its own wall. All types of awards were displayed, along with pictures to remember the event in its entirety. A lot of pictures showed y/n holding the award, smiling widely, and giving a speech. Some with her co-stars, or other friends that she had collaborated with.

She approached it slowly, her fist clenched. It was only a moment before the sun would go down, cast a beam onto the case and cause the golden trophies to shine brightly, creating a golden glow around the case. Y/n made sure to have it that way. Hailee stood there until the sun ray hit the first trophy. She reached her hand towards the Oscar trophy.

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