I'm Not Here

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News was circulating across the nation of the girl that had won over (Y/n Y/Ln) heart. Everywhere she went it was like there were eyes on her, people pointing and talking about her, and all she could do was try to hide. Even Taylor tried to help out her friend by giving her ideas for disguises, yet nothing felt right to the young girl.

With a heavy sigh, hailee looked at herself in the mirror, Taylor gently putting sunglasses on her. Hailee just rolled her eyes, adjusting the shades so they wouldn't slide down her nose.

"Do I have to go this far?" Hailee said, turning her head side to side, slowly taking in the "new look". All she had on was sunglasses, but somehow she wanted to believe maybe it wasn't so bad.

"Yeah, you do" Taylor said, taking that pair off and placing another, more round and a lighter rim color on. "You're the nations gold-digger right now. (Y/N) Stans are all out to get you. Let me tell you how much of the internet vicious comments have exaggerated, distorted, reproduced.... The fact that you are partners with (y/n) for a school project and are threatening her with something that can't be published" Taylor pulled hailee close to her whispering into her ear.

Moving back a bit from her friend hailee was starting to get sick and tired of the rumors. She hated the fact that something so small escalated so quickly because y/n was involved. If it was anyone else, someone who was more famous or better looking the internet would be head over heels for the new couple but because she was Hailee, a nobody, the internet hated her.

Hailee couldn't blame them really. It was social media, and this was a story that was more interesting than the kardashian drama. Anyone, fan or anti-fan would be invested just to see what would happen. She would be lying if she said she never looked at celebrity drama. To this day Hailee is still convinced Camren was real. But when it came to her uninteresting life?

"Do people really believe that bullshit" Hailee slightly yelled feeling the tension. Taylor was quick to cover her friends mouth not wanting anyone to over hear their conversation.

"Yes, they believe it. Even if it's revealed that it's false later, people believe what they want to believe." Taylor explained further.

The sun was now setting over the LA mountains and all Hailee could do was try to avoid the endless paparazzis that tried to swarm her way. It felt thats all she had been doing all day. For once she hated LA. She hated feeling like she was trapped and nowhere to go. Avoiding the cameras and the people trying to hurt her non-existing image.

But worse of all, she felt lost. She didn't have a home to run off too, and she didn't feel comfortable returning to Y/n's mansion. Not without y/n anyway. And the more the sky became dark, the quicker Hailee had to find a place to stay for the night.

Taylor had offered her place, but the last thing Hailee wanted to was drag her friend into this mess.

Walking down the road, the young girl spotted a few paparazzi's waiting outside some shops. Hiding behind a corner of a car, she ducked down and slowly tried to make sure she wasn't seen. Focused on the people a few distance away she didn't realize someone was walking behind her, tapping her on her shoulder.

Hailee jumped, but made sure not to make a noise when she was startled. When she looked up, she saw Niall, finger to his lips telling her to keep quiet then taking her hand and leading her away from the crowd.

Soon the two began walking. Hailee looked down seeing Niall's hand wrapped around her wrist and she snapped it away. Niall was Hailee's friend, someone she had known for a long time, but right now she didn't know how to feel about him. About someone who just abandoned her in her time of need.

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