Song For My Lady

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Y/n set Hailee on the hospital bed. The nurses quickly came into the room.

"Please kill her" y/n demanded.

"Pardon?" one of the doctors said, as he was putting on his gloves. "She wanted to die, so do her a favor and kill her." she said. Taking a step back so she can give the doctors and nurses room to work on Hailee. She leaned up against the wall sliding down until she was sitting on the floor outside the room.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Y/ln this is the patients' belongings" The nurses shyly spoke, handing y/n Hailee's jacket, and phone. The young celeb gave her thanks, then turned the phone on. She smiled seeing the wallpaper of the celebrity herself in one of her photoshoot's photos. She opened her camera and began to take random selfies until she felt she was satisfied. Opening her camera roll, y/n looked through her photos Admiring all the picture she had.

One video stood out to her. The time stamp on it was recent, only being taken earlier that day. She pressed play, seeing Hailee use a wooden spook as a microphone. She had an apron around her. Y/n laughed at the thought of Hailee cooking. She loved the girl and would do anything for her but eat her cooking... y/n really loved her.

"It has been five hours since Y/n Y/Ln left. Aren't you worried? MMMM" Hailee said in thought, moving to another side almost pretending to be another character. "Not at all. She went to see her family. Aren't you a bit worried?" Hailee switched again. "What if she suddenly faints? What if she goes to the emergency room? MMM, I hope this doesn't happen, but if she collapses, someone will help her, right? And they'll call 911 for her. The whole world loves her. She is Y/n Y/Ln. I'm... the best at waiting. I did it a hundred times, even a thousand times. I know how long I will wait. The thing I'm the most scared of is That there will come a time when I won't have to wait for her any longer. Waking up one day... and she'll be gone..."

Y/n stopped the video once she saw the tears leaving Hailee's eyes. She dropped her hand, just staring off into space.

Y/n didn't know how Long she waited on the hospital floor. Snapping out when she felt the need to go to Hailee. The young girl was sleeping, peacefully. Y/n took off her coat, placing it over Hailee. Then removed her shoes and laid down right beside her. Y/n raised her arm, so Hailee could snuggle into her favorite place. Which she did, effortlessly.

"What did the doctor say" Hailee mumbled.

"That you're fine. It's just the climate change. The doctor is a bit busy right now. He said that he'll make sure to kill you next time." y/n smiled, placing a kiss onto Hailee's forehead. Then nose, and cheek, and finally her lips.

"Are you Hailee's guardian?" the nurse asked.

"I've been her guardian since I was 14." Y/n chuckled sitting up.

"She doesn't need hospitalization this time. Please do the paperwork for her respective discharge." the nurse said handing y/n the papers. Hailee just looked at y/n. She saw how shaky y/n's hands were. She then saw a water droplet fall onto the paper. Hailee quickly sat up as well and saw more droplets falling. Y/n couldn't stop the tears from falling down her face, looking blankly at the sheets in front of her before turning to Hailee. Reaching over, she caressed Hailee's cheek.

"Save me" y/n whispered. "I don't want to die. So, Save me. If I die what will happen to you... to my dad and mom... griffin. The things I wanted to do for you, the plans we made... how can I just leave like this? I want to live. I don't want to die; I want to live. The people I love are all here. But what now... We're finding happiness. How can I leave now. I don't want to leave. So, Save Me... I'm... I'm scared"

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