I choose You

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Y/n looked out the window of the small outlet shop that Hailee had been insistent on going ever since they ditched school. Y/n had called her stylists to come down towards the shop and help Hailee find the right style and look. She never understood how someone could spend so long looking for an outfit and getting ready. She literally felt like she was growing old just by waiting there with nothing but her phone and the outside world passing by to entertain her.

She settled down on an empty chair that over looked the dressing area, waiting for Hailee to emerge from behind the curtain and show her, her new outfit for the 20th time. It wasn't even a full minute before y/n decided to see what was taking so long. But before y/n was about to stand up, the clatter of something hitting the tile floor stopped her.

She expected fans.

She expected paparazzis.

She didn't expect to see the one person who could make all y/n's hopes and dreams disappear. Y/n jumped just a bit, scared by the sudden appearance of her ex-girlfriend. Her eyes went wide with surprise, feeling a lump of anger in her throat.

"Y/n, hi" becky said, a large smile spreading across her face. Becky looked down, quickly bending to pick up the bag she had dropped when she realized who was also in the shop.

Y/n silently scoffed, rolling her eyes. She was so focused on Hailee she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. She didn't even know Becky was in the building, or when she arrived for that matter. Y/n didn't say anything, just turned back and continued to sit and wait for her girlfriend to hurry up and come out so they could leave.

Again she took a deep breath when she felt the presence next to her. Y/n wanted to laugh at the irony that was happening right before her. The girl who never really wanted to hang out, or was always traveling that seeing each other was nearly impossibly; she was now starting to appear everywhere.

"Y/n can we talk?" becky asked.

"There is nothing to talking about" y/n waved the girl off still focused in front of her. "I said what I had to say when I went to see you in Miami. You should have stayed there."

"Yeah well I live here, just like you."

Y/n turned her head, seeing the looks the 2 associates were giving them. She raised a brow wondering how long would it be before she saw tweets or something from the two employees talking about the drama that unfolded in their store. She tried to be as calm as she possibly could, but the longer becky sat there, y/n was getting anxious of when Hailee would come out and see them together.

"Can you just give me another chance to--"

"Becky" y/n turned towards the brunette, lowering her voice into a whisper. She really didn't want to have this conversation, and in public for that matter. But y/n knew full well if she didn't get her point across now, then everything she had been trying to build back up with Hailee would be for not. She loved her girlfriend, wanted to be with her, and she wont let becky ruin that.

"Y/n, What happened? We use to be in love. I know I wasn't being fair when I broke things off, and made it seem like I didn't care about you. I know I could of been a better partner for you, someone you deserve. But im telling you now I'm--"

"To late" y/n finished Becky's sentence with an ending of her own. Maybe in another life, where she still felt the need to protect Hailee would y/n give in. If her life wasn't spiraling she perhaps would have rekindled in order to forget the younger girl but now, now it seemed almost unfair to everyone.

Y/n couldn't blame becky or be mad at her as much as she tried. Becky was someone that y/n wanted to find love in, in order to forget about her first real love. She wanted becky to be the one that took away the thought of the only girl she craved, but she would be lying if she said she actually loved her for any other reason but her own. Y/n used becky, someone who was kind and caring for her own selfishness, but at the end of it, she felt like maybe it wasn't all pretend. Slowly gaining some form of feelings for the Latina before her.

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