Unknown Entity

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After borrowing some extra clothes from Mirabel, you headed straight for the bathroom.

Oh, how you so desperately needed a shower. It had been such a long time since you last had an actual one. You'd always have to rely on the rain showers and lakes in the nature.

Humming softly, you opened the bathroom door, turning on the lights. Then, shutting it, you turned the lock.

Placing the clothes down on the counter and turning on the water, you waited patiently for the water to warm up. And as you did that, you inspected and observed yourself in the mirror.

You don't recall the last time you've looked at yourself in an actual mirror. Seeing how much you've changed left you in disbelief.

Your hair, facial features, body, height, etc. Everything was all so different.

It was when you saw the bathroom mirror fog up that it meant the water was ready.

Stripping yourself of your clothing, you hopped into the shower. You melted as soon as your skin came in contact with the pleasantly lukewarm water.

It honestly felt so nice that you stood there for a good ten minutes before actually showering.

~After the shower~

After wringing out your hair and wiping off any excess water, you stepped out of the shower. Grabbing the towel, you wrapped it around your body.

Walking over to the mirror, you noticed that the figure in the mirror didn't really look like you.

You squinted your eyes, attempting to make out what it was. But not really putting much thought into it, you just shook it off. You grabbed your clothes and put them on, drying your hair with the towel afterwards.

As you looked up at the mirror for a second time, you froze in place. The figure in the mirror looked like a completely different person. It wasn't even you anymore.

Hesitantly wiping the foggy mirror with your hand, your eyes widened at the sight.

In the mirror appeared to be a more corrupted version of you. You saw as it assumed a monstrous and nigh-incoherent character.

An amalgamation, you thought.

It comprised four different colors, colors you were very familiar with. Those being red, blue, green, and gray. Elemental colors. You also appeared to have no pupils, just glowing white eyes.

It gave you the chills, and you thought it was super creepy, this horrid sight you were seeing.

Blinking your eyes, the glimpse of the corrupted version of you had disappeared. You stood there, completely confused about what had just happened.

You put away the towel and grabbed your dirty clothes, still wondering what that was all about just now.

Leaving the bathroom wearing the nightgown, you were on your way to the nursery. When you realized there were rooms... many, many rooms.

It was easy for you, though, since every door had a name and engraving on it. And there was only one door that didn't glow or have an engraving on it. It was just a plain turquoise door.

Walking up to it, you knocked on the door and opened it, revealing the dazzling and colorful features it held.

Inside were Mirabel and Antonio, who gasped when they realized you entered the room. The two then immediately rushed to hide whatever it was they were doing.

Mirabel sprinted to the doorway and gently shoved you out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Um, hi, Mirabel." You laughed, curious about what just happened.

An Elemental Bender {Camilo Madrigal x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now