How Do You Save a Miracle?

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~With Mirabel~

"If it was all in my head, how did I cut my hand?" Mirabel questioned. "I would never ruin Antonio's night. Is that really what you think?"

Tía Julieta walked over to her daughter. "What I think is that today was very hard for you."

"That's..." Mirabel grunted. "I was looking out for the family. And I might not be super strong like Luisa, or effortlessly perfect like señorita perfecta Isabela, who's never even had a bad hair day, but..." Mirabel sighed, leaning against the counter. "Whatever."

Tía Julieta carefully grabbed Mirabel's wounded hand and held it comfortingly. Casita then brought over a plate with an arepa con queso and a salt cellar.

Mirabel saw this and held out her other hand, waiting for her mother to give her the arepa.

"I wish you could see yourself the way I do." Tía Julieta said, sprinkling some salt onto the arepa. Picking it up, she placed it in Mirabel's hand. "You are perfect, just like this."

Mirabel took a bite as she listened to her mother's words. "You're just as special as anyone else in this family."

Holding up her injured hand, they watched as the wound healed and disappeared.

"Mm-hmm. You just healed my hand with an arepa con queso." Mirabel told her mother.

Holding her hand and entwining their fingers, her mother corrected her. "I healed your hand with my love for my daughter-"

Mirabel rolled her eyes and groaned.

"-with her wonderful brain..." Tía Julieta continued.

Mirabel groaned and rolled her eyes once again, wanting for this to be over already.

"...and big heart," her mother added.

"Stop!" Mirabel said.

"cool glasses..." She pushed up Mirabel's glasses with her finger.


She pulled Mirabel's face closer and kissed her cheek. "Muy te amo, cosa linda!"

Mirabel backed away. "I know what I saw." She crossed her arms.

Her mother sighed. "Mira, my brother Bruno lost his way in this family. I don't want the same for you." She told her. "Get some sleep. You'll feel better tomorrow."


After the ceremony, the guests said their goodbyes and left. Some stayed behind to help clean, but eventually, they also left.

You were in the bathroom, leaning over the sink as tears spilt from your eyes. The constant throbbing of your headache made it difficult for you to do anything at all.

You thought and wondered what the cause of your headaches could be, but you just couldn't put a finger on it.

Turning on the faucet, you took your hands and cupped them in the water. You then proceeded to splash your face with the freezing, cold water.

You did this several more times before turning off the faucet and wiping off any excess water on your face. Looking up at the mirror, you jumped as you once again saw the corrupted version of you in the mirror.

"I'm back~" She sang. "Did you miss me?"

Backing away in fear, your eyes widened, and you shook your head.

"Go away. I'm not dealing with this today." You told her.

She only chuckled sinisterly, the same sickening smirk you saw her wear in your dream that one night.

An Elemental Bender {Camilo Madrigal x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now