Bruno's Prophetic Guise

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You and Mirabel stood waiting underneath the tree of Antonio's treehouse. The rumbling in the distance frightened not only the birds, but you as well.

"We might wanna hurry." Mirabel rushed, watching as Tío Bruno poured out sand from a bucket in the shape of a circle.

"You can't hurry the future." He stopped pouring the sand when he was met with a capybara in his path.

He chuckled and just continued to pour the sand around the animal.

"What if I show you something worse?" He resumed after shooing a few coatis away. "If I see something that you don't like, you're gonna be all, 'Bruno makes bad things happen. Oh, he's creepy and his vision killed my goldfish.'"

"I don't think you make bad things happen. Sometimes family weirdos just get a bad rap." She said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "You can do this."

Bruno stared at Mirabel, breathing heavily as he mustered up some courage.

Antonio came over with the stuffed animal Mirabel had sewn for him, handing it to Tío Bruno.

Tío Bruno held out his hand, and Antonio dropped the doll directly onto it. "For the nerves." He said.

Jumping onto his pet jaguar, Parce growled softly before walking away. Anthony followed close behind.

Tío Bruno looked at the doll and smiled, placing it down gently.

"I can do this. I can do this, I can do this. I can do this." He whispered to himself, taking a handful of salt out of his poncho and tossing it over his shoulder.

Lighting a match, he set fire to a pile of dead leaves. Taking out a flaming twig in the pile, he used it to light up smaller leaves that rested in mounds of sand in the circle.

You and Mirabel watched closely with intent as Tío Bruno went through his procedure.

The atmosphere darkened, and the winds picked up, drawing your attention. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, and upon opening them, they glowed a bright green.

Shaking his hands and cracking his fingers, he said, "You might wanna hang on."

He held out his hands for each of you to take, which you did. And with your other free hands, you and Mirabel held onto each other with a tight grip.

He nodded and closed his eyes once more. Green specks began to light up from the ring of sand, which swirled upward to form a dome.

In the dome, Tío Bruno opened his eyes as you and Mirabel gaped in awe at what was happening.

Visions appeared in different locations in the swirling sand. Some showed the house breaking apart and other events following. Then, the vision of you appeared, who was standing in front of the breaking house.

Horror and worry filled you to the brim as you saw yourself in the vision. The thought of your corrupted version gave you unbearable chills.

"It's just the same thing. I gotta stop!" Tío Bruno said, losing focus of the vision.

"No." Mirabel protested. "I need to know what happens next. There's gotta be an answer. Something we're not seeing!"

"You're looking at the same thing that I am. If there was something else-" Mirabel cut him off.

"There!" She pointed. "Over there!"

Looking at where her finger was pointing, all three of you saw a glowing yellow butterfly.

"Butterfly! Follow the butterfly!" Tío Bruno yelled, and Mirabel stood up, also bringing up the both of you by the hand.

Following the butterfly, it stopped as it rested on a reed of glass.

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